Un blog sur l'amour pour la beauté masculine! A blog on love for male beauty! un blog sull'amore per la bellezza maschile!
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I do NOT own any of the photos published on my blog. The images were found in public internet sites. If you own any of the photos and wish them to be removed, please send a message to Xersex here: xersex2009 [ at ] libero [ dot ] it and your request will be processed as soon as possible. Thanks
Je ne possède pas les droits des images publiées sur mon blog. Les images ont été trouvées dans des sites Internet publics. Si vous possédez une ou des photos et vous souhaitez qu'elles soient enlevées, s'il vous plaît, envoyez un message à Xersex ici: xersex2009 [at] libero [dot] it et votre demande sera traitée dès que possible. Merci.
The first one is gorgeous. The fourth one, intriguing. And the fifth one? Perhaps illegal! I spy a few superstars. Jack Wrangler 'springs' to mind (on the cover of Drummer), and Al Parker looks quite pleasing. I should know the names of the Falcon couple above the Colt Calendar shot. I can't believe I didn't do a profile of the one on the right. What is his name?
12 commenti:
The first one is gorgeous. The fourth one, intriguing. And the fifth one? Perhaps illegal! I spy a few superstars. Jack Wrangler 'springs' to mind (on the cover of Drummer), and Al Parker looks quite pleasing. I should know the names of the Falcon couple above the Colt Calendar shot. I can't believe I didn't do a profile of the one on the right. What is his name?
hot !
Un beau voyage dans le temps qui nous remet bien des souvenirs en mémoire!
A beautiful journey through time that brings back many memories to us!
Have a great Monday and a great week
Hugs and bisous.
@ uptonking
you're meaning 11 from the top. Sorry, no idea!
Por siempre jovenes.Amigo venezolano,Cucuta
Sublime. J'aime beaucoup le noir et blanc.
Oh, so hot.
I love vintage porn. That Drummer magazine cover? Classic.
I think it's from the movie "Deep in the Water" https://store.falconstudios.com/products/deep-in-hot-water.
Sorry if I am wrong.
Excellent assortment!
Ni moins beaux, ni moins gros qu'aujourd'hui !
Hope you had a wonderful weekend. Have a good week aghead!
c'est du bon vintage ! merci
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