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venerdì 19 novembre 2021

Gay kisses

a kissastic post & video
to wish all of you a great weekend

un post plein de bisous pour vous 
souhaiter une bonne fin de semaine

16 commenti:

SickoRicko ha detto...

So sweet.

Jeremy ha detto...

... so lovely :-)

Your French Patrick ha detto...

Bisous and kisses are the starting point of love.

Anonimo ha detto...

Que ricos besos.Amigo venezolano,Cucuta

HuntleyBiGuy ha detto...

Nothing hotter than two men passionately kissing.

Sixpence Notthewiser ha detto...

Kissing and being kissed by a man are some of my fav activities!!


Alexian ha detto...

Romantisme à souhait, j'aime beaucoup les bisous.

uptonking ha detto...

A kiss on the lips may be quite continental... well, I'd take one all the way to the bank.

Mistress Maddie ha detto...

When I was away this trip I met a man and we have a almost hour session of making out and heavy petting. It was hot. Sometimes that can be hotter than actual sex if done correctly.

Francisco ha detto...

Happy weekend

Hot guys ha detto...

Quite sensual 💋

unnu ha detto...

Bisous à toi.

Anonimo ha detto...

Hermosos besos!!!!!

Luke ha detto...

…such a beautiful post mon cher Xersex!!!! What more appropriate comment could there be but to send you mes bisous!!!


Plein de jolis bisous !!!

Christian BAILLY ha detto...

Rappelle-toi ce premier baiser,

Sur tes lèvres effleurées,

Ce baiser de tendresse,

Débordant de promesses.

Rappelle-toi ce baiser volé,

Il nous avait transportés,

Ce baiser ardent,

Au goût de sang,

Rappelle-toi ce baiser sensuel,

Il nous donna des ailes,

Ce baiser humide,

Loin d'être timide.

Pour lire la suite merci de suivre le lien