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lunedì 12 aprile 2021

Three Graces ass - culs


Asses bring good luck, at least in Italy.

to have ass  - avere culo - means to have luck

Have a good new week!

Les culs portent de la chance, du moins en Italie.
Avoir cul  - avere culo - signifie "avoir de la chance".
Je vous souhaite une bonne semaine!

14 commenti:

Jimmy ha detto...

I love the photo from 'below'. Have a great week, X.

Luke ha detto...

Asslicious post....makes me so hungry...and you know I love it when there’s a spread and show of a sweet ass!!!! That penultimate shot is an exceptionally fine image! Asstastic post! Have a great Tuesgay!

Jeremy ha detto...

delicious :-)

Your French Patrick ha detto...

In French we don't say "avoir cul", we say "avoir du cul". Apart from this detail, we can only thank you for wanting to bring us luck. Above all in such a way!

BatRedneck ha detto...

Un bel assortiment de fessiers appétissants. Je me joindrais volontiers aux gars de la dernière photo :-)
Je te souhaite une excellente semaine !

Sixpence Notthewiser ha detto...

So 'avere culo' means good luck? I'll take it.


HuntleyBiGuy ha detto...

Trust me you have “luck” to spare 😘

Anonimo ha detto...

Una absoluta bendicion.Amigo venezolano,Cucuta

whkattk ha detto...

Some nice butts!!

uptonking ha detto...

Photo four is my fave. Give me a queen who spreads and I'll show you one little happy whore! Thanks for this. Very creative - as always, dear. Kizzes.

SickoRicko ha detto...

Very lovely, one and all.

Hot guys ha detto...

While I may not be into threesomes, I have a feeling some of your visitors totally are 😉

Francisco ha detto...

OMG so good :)

André ha detto...

Quelle belle langue que la langue italienne! Et c'est une chance de voir un beau cul plein de vigueur.