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lunedì 1 febbraio 2021

musketeers - mousquetaires I-II

Xersex's Musketeers say goodbye to January
and welcome the month of February

Immagine correlata

Les Mousquetaires de Xersex disent au revoir à janvier
et accueillent le mois de février

Risultati immagini per welcome february

Immagine correlata

Risultati immagini per bienvenu fevrier

Risultati immagini per bienvenu fevrier

Risultati immagini per bienvenu fevrier

Risultati immagini per bienvenido febrero

Risultati immagini per bienvenido febrero

Risultati immagini per seja bem vindo fevereiro

Risultati immagini per seja bem vindo fevereiro

Risultati immagini per willkommen im februar

Risultati immagini per willkommen im februar

one for all, all for one, they know very well 
how to enjoy each other, all together! 

un pour tous, tous pour un, ils savent très bien
se faire plaisir l'un l'autre, tous ensemble!

Happy month of February, my bloggerfamily!

Bon mois de février, ma famille de blog!

14 commenti:

Mistress Maddie ha detto...

You naughty boy......

unnu ha detto...

un pour tous et tous pour un,
je n'avais jamais vu cette devise sous cet angle
tu est un coquin
je croiserais bien le fer avec toi
biz unnu

Hot guys ha detto...

Hey Xer! 👋🏻

Hope February is a good month for all of us, buddy! 😉

See ya around ✌🏻

Your French Patrick ha detto...

Un thème que tu maîtrises parfaitement.
Bravo, bravo et bravo.

Anonimo ha detto...

Que febrero junto con los mosqueteros nos traigan mejores dias.Amigo venezolano,Cucuta

Alexian ha detto...

Un mois de février très pluvieux, toujours sympa ces partouzes, j'aime beaucoup.

whkattk ha detto...

Bringing us closer to Summer!

SickoRicko ha detto...

Nice way to start the new month.

Jimmy ha detto...

Happy February.

uptonking ha detto...

I so wish my February contained all of that pictured. I mean, I would settle for one. If it was safe. Sigh. My BD is this month. I have mixed feelings. Normally, they don't bother me... but this one? I had plans and they can't happen because of Covid. So... just a nothing celebration, I guess. But I do love February, because it means only three months to actual spring. Cannot wait.

Francisco ha detto...


Sixpence Notthewiser ha detto...

Oh, yes! February.
Now, if I could get that penultimate photo for Valentine's...


SickoRicko ha detto...

I forgot to mention: hot new banner!

Emile Karl ha detto...

Eh oui février et ça bourgeonne déjà !