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giovedì 6 gennaio 2022

gay wise men - gay rois mages

Let's finish this Christmas season with some alternative Three Kings and a great video, featuring the Boston Gay Men's Chorus

Terminons cette saison de Noël avec des Three Kings alternatifs et une superbe vidéo mettant en vedette le Boston Gay Men's Chorus

14 commenti:

Mistress Maddie ha detto...

I love wise men...they know everything and suspect nothing.

Anonimo ha detto...

Este es el único modo en que justifico la realeza jajajajajajaja.

Jeremy ha detto...

very nice :-)

Anonimo ha detto...

Super.Amigo venezolano,Cucuta

whkattk ha detto...

Excellent!!! Love that final one. I may have to steal that one for next year's Christmas Giggles.

SickoRicko ha detto...

I hope the wise men brought you lots of presents.

uptonking ha detto...

My word. Great collection. Inspired idea. Thanks for sharing! Kizzes.

Kev ha detto...

Nowhere else would I find a sexy celebration of Epiphany. Thanks love

Anonimo ha detto...

What a fun post! Big hugs to you!

Francisco ha detto...

Very nice and good post :)

Alexian ha detto...

J'aime beaucoup la première photo des rois, ils sont très beaux et sexy, j'adore.

Hot guys ha detto...

Aren't all gay men wise? lol 😜

Your French Patrick ha detto...

Good point!

Emile Karl ha detto...

Belle série, j'adore la lettrine.