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domenica 27 ottobre 2013

Josh Ohl by Maurice Pegasi 3

Josh Ohl hot video and
some sketches by Maurice Pegasi
Josh Ohl 27
Josh Ohl 28

 Josh Ohl 29

Josh Ohl 30

Josh Ohl 31

Josh Ohl 32

Josh Ohl 33

Josh Ohl 34

Josh Ohl 35

Josh Ohl 36

Josh Ohl 37

Josh Ohl 38

Josh Ohl 39

Josh Ohl 40
Thanks to Maurice Pegasi
Merci à Maurice Pegasi
Grazie a Maurice Pegasi

8 commenti:

Parigino ha detto...

Bello lui, bravo Pegasi, belle le riproduzioni.


Toujours superbe !!!! excellent travail encore !!!

French Gayland ha detto...

toujours aussi merveilleux
merci pour tous ces paratges

always so wonderful
thanks for those shares

French Gayland ha detto...

read - lisez PARTAGES

mistake when i type
erreur quand j'ai tapé

Your French Patrick ha detto...

Dommage que ce soit fini. Les meilleures choses ont une fin, mais là, c'est une fin en apothéose. Compliments!.

It is a pity it is finished. Even the best of friends must part or if you prefer sometimes even fairy tales have an unhappy ending but this time it is the end in highlight. Congratulations!

Spaziare ha detto...

bravo artista, cambiare soggetto, magari ?
Ciao Steve.

Unknown ha detto...

Great paintings!

tonyitalian1951 ha detto...

Lavoro spettacolare. Great work all right!!!