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mercoledì 24 marzo 2021

Cum - sperme

Some pics and informations about my favourite liquid from the human body! 

I love to call him:

male essence

male milk

liquid pleasure

liquid meal

male cream 

creamy milk 

If you have and /or can imagine further expressions 

I'd be glad to read them! 

quelques photos et informations sur mon liquide préféré du corps humain! 

J'adore l'appeler:

essence masculine

lait mâle

plaisir liquide

repas liquide

crème masculine

lait crémeux

Si vous avez et / ou pouvez imaginer d'autres expressions

je serais heureux de les lire!

below a video of the ejaculation of one of my friends

au dessus d'une vidéo de l'éjaculation d'un de mes amis

21 commenti:

Francisco ha detto...

OMG so good

Mistress Maddie ha detto...

So, what your saying is you like Love Juice?

Jimmy ha detto...

I love it when you write in French. Sexy..

The egg and the spoons cracked me up.

Sixpence Notthewiser ha detto...

Sperme sounds sooooo hot!
And I have yet to realize why is it that 'cocksucker' is such an insult. I like to suck cock...


Hot guys ha detto...

Yeah, it's either all in or completely out. 🤷‍♂️

So... You either love it or hate it, lol! 😜

Jeremy ha detto...

PFUI !! ... gruusig !!

Xersex ha detto...

creepy? disgusting? it's only a matter of tastes

Xersex ha detto...

you can bet I love Love Juice!

HuntleyBiGuy ha detto...

Bring it on!

Anonimo ha detto...

Nectar de los dioses.Amigo venezolano,Cucuta

whkattk ha detto...

SO many names to choose from! Any one will do, though!

Your French Patrick ha detto...

baby batter – baby gravy – chocolate cum – cream of some young guy – cum – jism – jiz – jizm – jizz – jizzum – load – male tears – man chowder – man seed – nut – nut butter – pearl necklace – pole milk – protein shake – rope – schlong juice – scum – seed – splooge – spooge – string of pearls – tattie water – trouser gravy – two-ball compound – two ball throat cream – wad

You can use it by replacing semen by any other English word.


Kev ha detto...

What more can be said... other than "great cumshot!"

Emile Karl ha detto...

Belle et copieuse ejac !

bignate ha detto...

Don't waste a drop!

uptonking ha detto...

I swallow and wallow... facial, yes. anal vaccination, yes. oral vaccination, yes. I love it no matter where it goes. Outdoors, if the shoot it on the ground? I circle back to look at it... and I love the smell. Grrr.

Xersex ha detto...

Thanks Patrick for your contribute!

Xersex ha detto...

I only accept oral vaccination. The path must be: cock> mouth> stomach. But before I swallow it, I keep it in my mouth to savor it, like a sommelier.

Alexian ha detto...

Un régal ...

BatRedneck ha detto...

Je ne suis sans doute pas aussi 'fanatique' que celui qui a écrit pour la troisième image, mais j'avoue que la sensation d'un sexe qui jouit dans ma bouche me manque terriblement. Ce foutu-putain-de-Covid-à-la-con ne nous empêchera pas éternellement de prendre notre pied !
Et vous savez quoi ? Après chaque guerre il y a eu une période d'extraversion. Nous aurons la nôtre !

BatRedneck ha detto...

Your comment is quite interesting, Jeremy, for how (almost) all of the posts on your blog appear to be calling for lust. I mean actual sexual lust. All those boys of age (I hope), languorous, with poses that ooze romance, knowing they will all feed each other with their semen through one hole or another.
Come on! Stop the ephebe act and admit it: your mouth may not like the taste of sperm, but what about your skin being covered with it, or your are being filled with your lover's nectar of life?