Un blog sur l'amour pour la beauté masculine! A blog on love for male beauty! un blog sull'amore per la bellezza maschile!
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copyright - droit d'auteur
I do NOT own any of the photos published on my blog. The images were found in public internet sites. If you own any of the photos and wish them to be removed, please send a message to Xersex here: xersex2009 [ at ] libero [ dot ] it and your request will be processed as soon as possible. Thanks
Je ne possède pas les droits des images publiées sur mon blog. Les images ont été trouvées dans des sites Internet publics. Si vous possédez une ou des photos et vous souhaitez qu'elles soient enlevées, s'il vous plaît, envoyez un message à Xersex ici: xersex2009 [at] libero [dot] it et votre demande sera traitée dès que possible. Merci.
domenica 21 giugno 2015
Summer - été
Finally Summer has arrived
Enfin l'été est arrivé
enjoy your Summer
with sun love & sex
Profitez de votre été avec le soleil l'amour etle sexe
OH! WOW! FANTASTIQUE! You make me envious! Enjoy your Summer! Here it is WINTER! We had our coldest day so far this year today and tomorrow will be our "shortest" day - that is our fewest hours of sunshine! We have a long cold Winter still to come. Bisous, Patricio!
SUMMEr is entirely SUMMEd up, therefore I have nothing to add. Take care not to have sunburns on the buttocks, otherwise you might be unable to sit down in front of your computer.and that would risk to deprive us of posts as this one which is a very successful one.
Bisous, my dear friend (on your buttocks, as long as I can do it without burning my lips).
17 commenti:
Sea, sex and sun, le soleil au zénith...
Merci pour ces belles photos d'été.
Now this is quite the summertime megapost! Loved so many of the images.
OH! WOW! FANTASTIQUE! You make me envious! Enjoy your Summer! Here it is WINTER! We had our coldest day so far this year today and tomorrow will be our "shortest" day - that is our fewest hours of sunshine! We have a long cold Winter still to come. Bisous, Patricio!
Great pics!!!
SUMMEr is entirely SUMMEd up, therefore I have nothing to add.
Take care not to have sunburns on the buttocks, otherwise you might be unable to sit down in front of your computer.and that would risk to deprive us of posts as this one which is a very successful one.
Bisous, my dear friend (on your buttocks, as long as I can do it without burning my lips).
Beautiful series of images for a perfect welcum to summer! Happy SunGay, Xersex et bonne semaine!
Bellissimo post, te ne rubo alcune! Buona settimana e buona estate!
Joyeux Eté à tous et profitez tous de la vie car elle est courte et ne rien regretter à la fin du chemin permet de partir tranquillement sans regret !
Happy Summer, mon cheri! Beautiful post!
Me too. About number 17. Can anyone tell me the artist's name and the title?
Delmas Howe (US 1935) “Education of the Gods” huile sur toile 55” x 81” Collection Leslie/Lohman
I wish you a LOVE-ly day.
As you say: Finally! Happy Summer Solstice! Drop trou and enjoy the sun.
merci de ces superbes belles images pour un été tres gay
demain je posterai un article
thanks of those gorgeous beautiful pictures for a very gay summer
tomorrow i will post an article
Voilà un été qui s'annonce en beauté
Excellent post! And I'd love to help Pavel Petel mow his lawn! : )
voilà, aujourd'hui mon article est là
here it is, today my article is there
Great megapost! So many wonderful images.
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