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sabato 21 febbraio 2015

David Gandy by/par Maurice Pegasi

let's enjoy David Gandy sketched by Maurice Pegasi

allons profiter de David Gandy dessiné par Maurice Pegasi

here two sexy videos!
ici deux vidéos très sexy!

thanks merci grazie
 and to know directly the biggest fan of David Gandy, 
look at Istvan here
 et pour connaître directement le plus grand fan de David Gandy, regardez ici Istvan

16 commenti:

Anonimo ha detto...

Love his work, especially with a hot subject like David!

French Gayland ha detto...

toujours un beau travail que sont ces dessins
always a good work that are those drawings

my last article is here
mon dernier article est là

Unknown ha detto...

A very good artist! Un tres beau mec! Merci, mon ami! Avec bisous, Patrick


c'est toujours un bon boulot !!!!

André ha detto...

Xersex! Unnu est de retour dans la famille des blogueurs. Il figure dans tes liens régulièrement réactivés.

Your French Patrick ha detto...

Sans g(r)and(y)loquence inutile, c'est magnifique. Il y en a plusieurs où le rendu de ses yeux est fascinant.
Without useless g(r)and(y)loquence, it is magnificent. There is several where the eyes output is fascinating.
Bisous, Stève. Bon weekend, my friend.

ZobàDada ha detto...

Ce sont des très beaux dessins.

Bon weekend et amuse-toi bien demain dans ton sex-club :)

Christian BAILLY ha detto...

very very beautiful work

Anonimo ha detto...

Merci mon cher ami ....ton ami Istvan..

Breno ha detto...

I think the beauty of normal men should be considered as well. men like David Gandy have a kind of unattainable beauty. I like normal men ... People with this kind of beauty are arrogant.

Breno ha detto...

I think the beauty of normal men should be considered as well. men like David Gandy have a kind of unattainable beauty. I like normal men ... People with this kind of beauty are arrogant.

Angelo Ventura ha detto...

Sempre bravo Maurice! Happy SunjGAY a te!

Anonimo ha detto...


tonyitalian1951 ha detto...

Due videos fenomenali. Two fantastic videos. David Gandy is a guy for everybody!!! Good work Xersex.

whkattk ha detto...

He's quite the prolific artist.

Anonimo ha detto...

Mille merci mon ami ...Ton ami Istvan !!