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Je ne possède pas les droits des images publiées sur mon blog. Les images ont été trouvées dans des sites Internet publics. Si vous possédez une ou des photos et vous souhaitez qu'elles soient enlevées, s'il vous plaît, envoyez un message à Xersex ici:
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lunedì 1 marzo 2021

musketeers - mousquetaires II/III

Xersex's Musketeers say goodbye to February
and welcome the month of March

Risultati immagini per mousquetaires

Les Mousquetaires de Xersex disent au revoir à février
et accueillent le mois de mars

Risultati immagini per welcome march

Risultati immagini per welcome march

Risultati immagini per welcome march

Risultati immagini per bienvenu mars

Risultati immagini per bienvenu mars

Risultati immagini per bienvenu mars

Risultati immagini per bienvenido marzo

Risultati immagini per bienvenido marzo

Risultati immagini per bienvenido marzo

Risultati immagini per bem vindo mes de março

Risultati immagini per bem vindo mes de março

one for all, all for one, they know very well 
how to enjoy each other, all together! 

un pour tous, tous pour un, ils savent très bien
se faire plaisir l'un l'autre, tous ensemble!

Risultati immagini per orgia gay

Risultati immagini per orgia gay

Happy month of March, my bloggerfamily!

Bon mois de mars, ma famille de blog!

13 commenti:

Francisco ha detto...

Happy Month

Jimmy ha detto...

Goodbye February. Hello group sex! :)

Jeremy ha detto...

good morning :-)

YourFrenchPatrick ha detto...

Le compte à rebours a commencé d'aujourd'hui au 20 Mars.
The countdown has started from today to March 20.

Your French Patrick ha detto...

Je ne peux plus accéder à mon blog et à ceux de presque tous mes amis avec Google Chrome. Soit-disant pour me protéger mais en fait c'est une véritable censure. Pas de problème avec les autres navigateurs, mais je dois galérer. Je ferai de mon mieux.

I can no longer access my blog and those of almost all of my friends with Google Chrome. Supposedly to protect me but in fact it's real censorship. No problem with other browsers, but I have to struggle. I'll do my best.

Anonimo ha detto...

Bienvenido marzo y sus mosqueteros-Amigo venezolano,Cucuta

uptonking ha detto...

Hard to believe it is already March. Yay... come on spring. I can't wait for warmer temps and lovely sun. Green everywhere. I realize we have March to slog through, but near the end... it gets so hopeful. We'll have at least two more huge snow storms here, not that the snow will stick around. I hope to have at least my first shot by the end of March. That is my spring wish. Kizzes.

Sixpence Notthewiser ha detto...

One for all, all for one sounds so inviting right now!
And I cannot believe it's already March!


whkattk ha detto...

I do think we'll see an early Spring here... It will not be too soon for me.

SickoRicko ha detto...

Lovely post.

Alexian ha detto...

Beau mois de mars à tous.

Helixstudios ha detto...

The young blond twink climbs into bed, whips out his raging boner and begins quietly stroking it so as not to disturb his roommate. But Kody has been awake the whole time, his own big dick standing at attention as he sneaks a peak at Matt jerking off.

Christian BAILLY ha detto...

Le mois de mars est mon mois de naissance... chaque année je le vis avec autant de plaisir car il est synonyme pour moi de renouveau...