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lunedì 8 marzo 2021

Faces - visages

some beautiful faces and looks
to begin well a new week

De beaux visages et des regards 
pour bien commencer une nouvelle semaine

13 commenti:

uptonking ha detto...

I find older faces tell better stories...

SickoRicko ha detto...

Absolutely beautiful.

Hot guys ha detto...

Yup, faces are important. Probably most important to most people! 🙂

Your French Patrick ha detto...

You are right. I am one of those people.

Sixpence Notthewiser ha detto...

I have found out that I'm partial to facial hair...


Anonimo ha detto...

Adorables.Amigo venezolano,Cucuta

whkattk ha detto...

oh, to have been born of a beautiful gene pool!

Tex ha detto...

Beautiful post.

Francisco ha detto...

7 th :)

SickoRicko ha detto...

These are the same faces you posted previously.

Xersex ha detto...

@ SickoRicko
Probably only a few. I took these faces all from tumblr, just not to post always the same faces.

Alexian ha detto...

De beaux yeux, j'aime beaucoup ça, première chose que je regarde chez un homme.

Christian BAILLY ha detto...

De belles gueules d’ange....Ils sont superbes.....

À voir ta belle gueule d'ange,
Je rêve de me réfugier
Sous tes ailes...
Que tu m'emportes vers ton monde
Virils et sensuel,
Où je t'abandonnerai mon âme
Et ses disgrâces,

Pour que d'un revers de caresse,

Tu les effaces.

Pour lire la suite