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venerdì 12 marzo 2021

male tenderness - tendresse masculine

let's end this week with some male tenderness 
and a sweet video

terminons cette semaine avec un peu de tendresse masculine et une douce vidéo

18 commenti:

uptonking ha detto...

I would be tender with you... but only if you keep all my secrets.

Jeremy ha detto...

lovely :-)

Hot guys ha detto...

Awww! 💗

So sweet, gentle and romantic! 💋

Sixpence Notthewiser ha detto...

Love it.
An affectionate man would get it any day.


BatRedneck ha detto...

Ditto. I'd look at the hot guy but rather bring the tender one back at home.

Anonimo ha detto...

Amorosos-Amigo venezolano,Cucuta

whkattk ha detto...

Sweetness and light.

SickoRicko ha detto...

Wonderful, wonderful post!

Francisco ha detto...

so sweet :)

Your French Patrick ha detto...

Le désir…
Le plaisir sexuel…
La tendresse…

Ce qu'il y a de bien dans les deux derniers, c'est qu'ils peuvent être partagés et prodigués, même à des milliers de kilomètre de distance.

bignate ha detto...

So romantic!

Alexian ha detto...

La tendresse masculine est si belle que l'on peut pas s'en passer.

Emile Karl ha detto...

best moment !

Luke ha detto...

So many beautiful images!!!

Jimmy ha detto...

X!, is it true you are in a hard lock down in Italy again? OMG!

(on topic)...would rather see dick.

Xersex ha detto...

currently in Italy there is a lockdown, not as strict as it was last year. This lockdown will last until after Easter. We have problems with vaccines and with organization of the vaccination campaign. We can only be saved by vaccines.

Angelo Ventura ha detto...

Beautiful post!

Christian BAILLY ha detto...

Je suis toujours ému par cette tendresse virile que j’ai tout loisir de connaître aujourd’hui. Je ne pensais jamais vivre pareil bonheur. Merci pour ces belles images qui prouvent que les hommes ne sont pas toujours ces brutes que l’on essaie de nous faire croire...