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venerdì 26 febbraio 2021

men in nature

Happy weekend

with some men in the wild nature

Bonne fin de semaine 
avec des hommes dans la nature sauvage

I'm going to post these Men in Nature once a month

Je publierai ces hommes dans la nature une fois par mois

16 commenti:

Jimmy ha detto...

The first photo is stunning!

BatRedneck ha detto...

Spring is on the verge of reappearing. I wish it would announce itself to me with the tatted-bearded man going out from the trees :-)

Hot guys ha detto...

Can't wait for Summer! 💚

Philippe ha detto...

Hello Xersex, merci pour cette belle série de photos nature, elle est magnifique. Bonne fin de semaine et bisous coquins de Suisse, Philippe

Your French Patrick ha detto...

Quoi de plus naturel que la nature si ce n'est les hommes nus qui s'y ébattent?

HuntleyBiGuy ha detto...

Beautiful pictures. And the man with the ax should be careful of flying wood chips.

Sixpence Notthewiser ha detto...

Love the photos!
And that man with the salt-and-pepper beard. Damn!


Anonimo ha detto...

HERMOSOS.Amigo venezolano,Cucuta

uptonking ha detto...

Well, you have captured my heart this week... and to end with this! Stunning stuff. And right up my alley. Oh... I so long for summer. I want sun on my body. I feel like a solar panel that is starving for nourishment. Thank you for sharing these. You are such a sexy man... such a fine aesthetic. Sensual and earthy... sigh. Kizzes. Have a lovely day.

Alexian ha detto...

Il y a rien de plus beau qu'un belle homme nu en pleine nature, j'aime beaucoup. Maintenant que l'été arrive, les corps vont à nouveau se dénudé.

SickoRicko ha detto...

Very beautiful!

Luke ha detto...

Beautiful series....provides me the inspiration to get out and celebrate the warming weather that just arrived here with a good hike!!!

Bobby b ha detto...


Francisco ha detto...

Very nice

Emile Karl ha detto...

sweet moments with the wild man!

Christian BAILLY ha detto...

L’homme n’est jamais plus beau que nu en pleine nature.... Chacun enrichit l’autre de sa splendeur...
Une superbe série