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mercoledì 17 febbraio 2021

Yin & Yang


Today I offer you a little bit of wisdom

The yin and yang are opposites: anything has its opposite, not absolute, but in comparative terms. Nothing can be completely yin or completely yang; it contains the seed for its opposite.

The yin and the yang have their roots in each other: they are interdependent, they have a reciprocal origin, one cannot exist without the other.

Aujourd'hui, je vous offre un peu de sagesse:

Le yin et le yang sont opposés: tout a son contraire, pas absolu, mais en termes comparatifs. Rien ne peut être complètement yin ou complètement yang; il contient la graine pour son contraire.
Le yin et le yang ont leurs racines l'un dans l'autre: ils sont interdépendants, ils ont une origine réciproque, l'un ne peut exister sans l'autre.

11 commenti:

Sixpence Notthewiser ha detto...

Totally agree.
The DP sent me, though.... LOL


Luke ha detto...

Like this a lot, cher Xersex!!! Elegant set of images...and some very hot guys!!!

SickoRicko ha detto...

Very nice!

Angelo Ventura ha detto...


Jeremy ha detto...

very good !

Hot guys ha detto...

Wondeful, man! 🖤🤍🖤🤍🖤🤍🖤🤍

HuntleyBiGuy ha detto...

The stark contrasts are beautiful.

uptonking ha detto...

You come up with the most marvelous collections. You should curate a museum... why... that IS what your blog is! A museum curated by you! Very smart. Thanks for sharing, as always.

whkattk ha detto...

Great post!

Francisco ha detto...


Alexian ha detto...

On dit que les contraires s'attirent. J'aime beaucoup cette idée. Bonne fin de week-end.