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lunedì 7 marzo 2022


happy new week with some vintage

bonne semaine avec du vintage

11 commenti:

Francisco ha detto...

OMG very good :)

HuntleyBiGuy ha detto...

Nothing like the classics.

SickoRicko ha detto...

Some really good stuff!

Jimmy ha detto...

I love the natural look of the day. Beautiful photos!

Jeremy ha detto...

delicious :-)

Sixpence Notthewiser ha detto...

Oh, I love, love, LOVE! Gay vintage porn.
So very hot.


Your French Patrick ha detto...

Wonderful flashback

Anonimo ha detto...

Memorables.Amigo venezolano,Cucuta

uptonking ha detto...

Ah, finished with a classic. He was married to Margaret Whiting! A very nice chap. I owned one of these magazines... Big Boy is a find. Would love to see more of him. And a copy of Darling Boy by Marcus Miller just sold on eBay for $120!

whkattk ha detto...

Beautiful images. Happy New Week!!

Alexian ha detto...

Ils sont tous très beaux, j'aime bien les photos vintage, noir et blanc, je les trouve très belle, très élégantes.