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venerdì 27 marzo 2020


naked men for our pleasure

hommes nus pour notre plaisir


18 commenti:

Hot guys ha detto...

Oh, I like quite a few of these, actually...

Boy in the photo #4 is my fave, even though he's blond.

Emile Karl ha detto...

Belle série le corps des hommes c'est quand même quelque chose ! quand on arrive à l'entretenir.

Anonimo ha detto...

Nice bunch of beautiful boys body's. I hope they are all safe! As the same for you my dear friend!

Sixpence Notthewiser ha detto...

Naked men are always welcome.


Alexian ha detto...

Magnifique comme toujours, ils sont tous superbes.

Anonimo ha detto...

Una catarsis en tiempos de pandemia.Amigo venezolano,Cucuta

bignate ha detto...

Lovely post!

whkattk ha detto...

These are great!

SickoRicko ha detto...

Very beautiful selection!

João ha detto...

Love uncut men! The first one is a must! <3

Francisco ha detto...

Very good selection :) Grazie

Jeremy ha detto...

some good bodies :-)

HuntleyBiGuy ha detto...

Excellent eye. Thanks for these delicious selections.

Your French Patrick ha detto...

J'ai trouvé cette blague sur le web: "Ce matin j'ai été au marché avec un masque et des gants, et c'est là que j'ai découvert que tout le monde était habillé, sauf moi". Ici, ça seraIt plutôt le contraire, et c'est tant mieux. Je t'en ai volé presque la moitié pour mon blog à
Have a great weekend, and be safe. Hugs and bisous.

I found this joke on the web: "This morning I went to the market with a mask and gloves, and it was there that I discovered that everyone was dressed, except me". Here, it'll be quite the opposite, and that's great. I stole almost half of this for my blog at
Have a great weekend, and be safe. Hugs and kisses.

Angelo Ventura ha detto...

Bellissimo post! Buon weekend!

Luke ha detto...

Incredible selection!!! Of course I gravitate to the hot asses offered in #5 (can’t keep my eyes off those luscious cheeks) and penultimate (great image)!!!

Hadrien ha detto...

Ma préférée est la cinquième... parce que plus romantique!

Christian BAILLY ha detto...

merci mon ami
ils sont tous beaux ces garçons et c'est vraiment un plaisir que de les regarder.
A les voir tous je me dis combien j'ai raison d'aimer les hommes... Bises