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mercoledì 18 marzo 2020

Dicks, blowjobs & cum

Dicks, blowjobs & cum

Bites, pipes & jus






Post Scriptum

as many of you know, I am Italian, from Milan. Currently Italy is the nation most afflicted by the coronavirus. Those who can stay at home are put in a position to work at home or on vacation. These quarantine obligations will last until approximately April 3. We will see later. Let's hope will be enough.  


comme beaucoup d'entre vous le savent, je suis italien, de Milan. Actuellement, l'Italie est la nation la plus touchée par le coronavirus. Ceux qui peuvent rester à la maison sont mis en mesure de travailler à la maison ou en vacances. Ces obligations de quarantaine dureront jusqu'au 3 avril environ. Nous verrons plus tard. J'espère que cela suffira.

18 commenti:

Sixpence Notthewiser ha detto...

yes, please?
I have discovered I really like sucking dick. I guess I just needed the right man to practice with...


Luke ha detto...

Fan-sucking-tastic post!!! Sizzling hot!!!
Situation is the same in SF...I’m working from home, events cancelled, etc. Since we just started our “lockdown,” no idea when it will end...your posts help make the time more bearable!
Be well, cher Xersex!! Luke

Emile Karl ha detto...

bites bien crémeuses, bouches remplies c'est gourmand tout ça !

Hadrien ha detto...

Oui, l'Italie paie un lourd tribu au Coronavirus! Je souhaite sincèrement que la situation s'améliore, et que vous ne soyez pas atteint cher Xersex. Votre blog reste une fenêtre ouverte sur l'extérieur.
En France aussi, nous en sommes venus au "confinement".... A suivre

Your French Patrick ha detto...

A part la branlette, c'est tout un programme pour remplir nos loisirs pendant le confinement dont nous sommes redevables au Corona Covid-19

Handjob excepted, it's a whole program to fill our leisures during containment of which we are indebted to the Corona Covid-19.

No mask needed via the Web, thus bisous, my friend.

Hot guys ha detto...

Love the 2nd and 3rd photo the most, Xersex! Also, I agree with you, I hope the whole virus thing blows over in the next few weeks.

Stay safe! ^.^

bignate ha detto...

Stay safe, buddy! Meanwhile, I love every single one of these! Great post!

HuntleyBiGuy ha detto...

Nothing like getting it right from the tap. Giving or receiving, it’s always a good time.

Anonimo ha detto...

Ruego para salgamos avante de esta tremenda situación, solo queda cuidarnos al máximo y esperar, muy bueno tu pots. Amigo venezolano,Cucuta

Anonimo ha detto...

Damn you my dear! You got me sooo hard with this post, I had to fap for a while. Thank's mmmm.

whkattk ha detto...

Stay safe...we will get through this, eventually. Our Governor has been taking his lead from Italy - the whole state has been shut down. Hugs!

Mark Greene ha detto...

It all looks delicious ! I wish you and your family safety and happiness especially during this time.

SickoRicko ha detto...

Fabulous post! Stay safe and healthy!

Anonimo ha detto...

Good luck to you and your fellow Italians during this unprecedented crisis. We in Canada are stricken with sadness over the challenges being faced by our brothers and sisters in Italy. Keep safe - the nightmare will eventually end. With love and sympathy to you at this terrible time.

Francisco ha detto...

OMG very nice. Here in Portugal will have quarantine obligations until April 2.
Stay safe pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Alexian ha detto...

De belles belles grosses queues, moi j'adore.

João ha detto...

Stay safe my dear! We all are praying for Italia!

Christian BAILLY ha detto...

je pense que tu dois être un peu comme moi, mon ami, je ne peux pas voir une queue sans baver devant, sans avoir envie de la sucer, de la prendre dans ma bouche et au final d'avaler son jus... Non vraiment je ne résiste pas à ce bel outil de plaisir