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venerdì 17 ottobre 2014

Happy Birthday Roman Dawidoff

Roman Dawidoff
born on the 17 October 1991 in Moscow, Russia

Roman Dawidoff 2

Roman Dawidoff 3
Roman Dawidoff 4
Roman Dawidoff 5
Roman Dawidoff 6
Roman Dawidoff 7
Roman Dawidoff 8
Roman Dawidoff 9
Roman Dawidoff 10
Roman Dawidoff 11
Roman Dawidoff 12
Roman Dawidoff 13
Roman Dawidoff 14
Roman Dawidoff 15
Roman Dawidoff 16
Roman Dawidoff 17
Roman Dawidoff 18
Roman Dawidoff 19
Roman Dawidoff 20

Roman Dawidoff 21

cousin of
Kirill Dowidoff - Dawidoff - Konstantin Kamynin
some posts here
modeling together
Kirill Dowidoff & Roman Dawidoff 1
Kirill Dowidoff & Roman Dawidoff 2
Kirill Dowidoff & Roman Dawidoff 3
Kirill Dowidoff & Roman Dawidoff 4
Kirill Dowidoff & Roman Dawidoff 5
Kirill Dowidoff & Roman Dawidoff 6
Kirill Dowidoff & Roman Dawidoff 7
Kirill Dowidoff & Roman Dawidoff 8
Kirill Dowidoff & Roman Dawidoff 9
Kirill Dowidoff & Roman Dawidoff 10
Kirill Dowidoff & Roman Dawidoff 11
Kirill Dowidoff & Roman Dawidoff 12
Kirill Dowidoff & Roman Dawidoff 13

9 commenti:

Angelo Ventura ha detto...

Sexy hot dudes! Happy Birthday to Roman and happy FriGay to you!

French Gayland ha detto...

happy birthday to him
now i want to get his candle

joyeux anniversaire pour lui
maintenant je veux avoir sa bougie

Anonimo ha detto...

Happy birthday Roman! And I loved the "modeling together" photo set. Those are so hot!

Alain - Quartier Gay ha detto...

joyeux anniversaire à romain Dawidoff très beau garçon dont je ferais bien mon quatre heure... sait on s'il est marié hétéro ou homo? y a t'il des photos de nu de lui? je vais aller voir ça mdr :D bisous à tout le monde et au bel italien ami lointain ;)

ZobàDada ha detto...

Bon anniversaire, beau mec ! Les deux cousins se ressemblent pas mal il me semble.
C'est dommage que tu n'as pas de photos où on les voit baiser ensemble.

Unknown ha detto...

Un tres beau mec!

Queer Heaven ha detto...

I hope you enjoy your sex club! And that you get lots of sloppy cum!

Stan ha detto...

Krill and cousin are both so damn hot! Happy Birthday to Roman!
Xersex I don't use word verification and I'm not bothered with spam so I don't understand what the problem is.

Westernstock ha detto...

Magnificent guys!