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lunedì 25 luglio 2022

Greek world - Monde grec

👆 ἙρμςHermḕs (latin: Mercurius) 👆 

👆 Πάν - Pan 👇

👆 Γανυμήδης, Ganymḕdēs 👇

👇 Περσεύς, Perséus 👇

👆 Λαοκόων - Laocoon 👇

18 commenti:

Dune ha detto...

Cela devrait être la destination de nos futures vacances l'année prochaine

Jeremy ha detto...

Hermes is delicious :-)

Anonimo ha detto...

XD have a níce week

Anonimo ha detto...


André ha detto...

Bravo, c'est très réussi !

Sixpence Notthewiser ha detto...

One of my favorite topics!
You're always on target.


whkattk ha detto...

The Greek Gods - a favorite subject.
Happy new week!!

Your French Patrick ha detto...

Tu nous a régalés, mais il s'agit ici davantage de la mythologie grecque (à laquelle appartient Zeus (dans les cieux)) que du monde grec (auquel appartient Platon (sur notre bonne vieille planète)).
Ce qui ne change pas la qualité de ce post.

You have regaled us, but this is more about Greek mythology (to which Zeus belongs (in the heavens)) than the Greek world (to which Plato belongs (on our good old planet)).
Which does not change the quality of this post.

Jimmy ha detto...

Gorgeous again!
It took me back to Sixpence's Friday post, as it looks like porn sex.

SickoRicko ha detto...


uptonking ha detto...

Too cool. I love mythology. Those stories are so much fun.

Anonimo ha detto...

Super.Amigo venezolano,Cucuta

Anonimo ha detto...


joseph ha detto...

grecs et olympiques et pic et pic et colegram , mais je crains une certaine censure

Alexian ha detto...

Ah les grecs sont superbes, les dieux grecs tout autant, j'aime beaucoup.

Emile Karl ha detto...

Une bonne source d'inspiration

Christian BAILLY ha detto...

Le monde grecque a toujours inspiré ma libido, depuis tout jeune, j'aimais regarder les photos de ses dieux et héros nus sans comprendre vraiment le pourquoi de mon admiration...

Anonimo ha detto...

A lot of modern takes. Greeks never portrayed anal or group sex, and even when aroused, the penis was small, the glans covered by foreskin, which extended into the coke bottle shape we associate with either long foreskins or short penes. (If you ever went skinny dipping as a boy, and lived in an area where circumcision was rare, you know what I'm talking about.)