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mercoledì 28 ottobre 2020

Davey Wavey: semen taste testing challenge

Davey Wavey tastes and recognizes 
his two friends' cum (and his own)

Davey Wavey goûte et reconnaît 
le sperme de ses deux amis (et le sien)


I find Davey Wavey beautiful and brilliant!

Je trouve Davey Wavey beau et brillant!

13 commenti:

Emile Karl ha detto...

Evidement, j'aimerai l'avoir comme goutteur !

Sixpence Notthewiser ha detto...

Davey is super cute and a riot!
And Pierce Paris is hot. I wouldn't mind tasting him.


Anonimo ha detto...

Super.Amigo venezolano,Cucuta

whkattk ha detto...

It's normal he should be able to tell one from the other...cum has flavor depending on what you eat. My post today is from a man about exactly this.

Jimmy ha detto...

X, do you know anyone who subscribes to Himeros TV?

Davey Wavey created quite a fun business for himself.

I hope you are safe in Milan with all the virus going on there. We here in the US are seeing protests and riots happening there. Take care!

Kev ha detto...

Give me that syringe of Josh Brady man juice!

Xersex ha detto...

@ Jimmy:
I took a look to his himeros, and I found a very erotic realization. He could only do a job connected with sex. Well done, Davey!!!

Francisco ha detto...

Really :)

Your French Patrick ha detto...

Pour une fellation, la bite n'est pas tout. La sauce est importante elle aussi.

For a blowjob, the cock is not everything. The sauce is important too.

SickoRicko ha detto...

He really has bulked up since I first knew of him.

uptonking ha detto...

Cute. How fun. A whole different world, eh?

Hot guys ha detto...

You know some people really, really don't like that, haha 😜

Alexian ha detto...

Il est super mignon ce beau mec.