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venerdì 24 luglio 2020

Gay Massage

I leave you, for this weekend, with a very sensual massage 
with authentic and true sound, without any soundtrack
All enriched with very sensual images

Je vous laisse, pour cette fin de semaine, 
avec un massage très sensuel au son authentique et vrai, 
sans aucune bande son.
 Le tout enrichi d'images très sensuelles

17 commenti:

Sixpence Notthewiser ha detto...

I’m not really into ASMR (you saw my post) but the video is beautiful! Those are incredibly attractive men.
Love the photos, too!


André ha detto...

Hey mec ! Ce n'est pas du massage, c'est juste un peu de tripotage...

HuntleyBiGuy ha detto...

The touch of another man can do wonders for each of us.

bignate ha detto...

Happy endings!

Jimmy ha detto...

The video was more stimulating rather than relaxing. Very erotic.

Anonimo ha detto...

Para un perfecto fin de semana.Amigo venezolano,Cucuta

whkattk ha detto...

Ahhhhh..... Nothing better than a good massage.

Where are you planning to go for your holiday this year???

SickoRicko ha detto...

Very very nice!

Your French Patrick ha detto...

Très sensuel est le mot qui convient. L'affection, la tendresse sont aussi au rendez-vous. Que demander de mieux?
Bon weekend, my friend.

Francisco ha detto...

So good

Xersex ha detto...

je le sais bien, cher André, mais j'étais plus intéressé par la sensualité et l'érotisme de la situation.

Anonimo ha detto...

Very sensual post, Xersex! I don't have to tell you that I am a believer in massage work! :-)

Hot guys ha detto...

I mean... 😏

Who doesn't like a nice, pleasant massage? 👌🏻

I know I do! 👏🏻

Alexian ha detto...

J'aime beaucoup les photos des couples qui dorment en se faisant des câlins.

Angelo Ventura ha detto...

Very tender and sexy, love this!

Christian BAILLY ha detto...

De très belles photo érotiques de couples sensuels et amoureux ... ça ne peut que donner envie d'en faire autant....

Anonimo ha detto...
