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mercoledì 3 agosto 2016

a beautiful loser?

on youtube it happened to me to see the video below. I'm sure my American readers know this show (there's a similar one also in Italy). I can't understand so well the case but the "good looking guy" must have done something not completely honest or, at least, correct. 
After having defined the guy "obnoxious", the judge notes if the he will not add to his nice aspect, a nice behaviour, he will be a loser

I have now two question for you:

Do you really think he's a good looking guy?
my answer: in my opinion yes, but his face, his eyes and his look don't express a great intelligence, and his stomach is getting a bit fat for his young age.

do you agree with the judge? 
yes I do, because I would never like to be defined like a beautiful 
but 1. obnoxious 2. stupid, or 1 + 2 both! 

sur youtube il m'est arrivé de voir la vidéo ci-dessous. Je suis sûr que mes lecteurs américains ils connaissent ce spectacle (il y a un semblable aussi en Italie). Je ne peux pas comprendre si bien la question, mais le "beau mec" doit avoir fait quelque chose de pas tout à fait honnête ou, au moins, correct. Après avoir défini le jeune homme "odieux", le juge note si il ne va pas ajouter à son aspect agréable, un comportement également agréable, il sera "a loser", un perdant! 

J'ai deux questions pour vous:

Pensez-vous vraiment qu'il est un beau mec?
ma réponse: à mon avis, oui, mais son visage, ses yeux et son regard ne reflètent pas une grande intelligence, et son ventre est un peu gros pour son jeune âge
pensez-vous d'accord avec le juge?

moi je le pense, parce que je n'aimerais pas être défini comme un beau mec, mais 
1. désagréable 2. stupide, ou 1 + 2 les deux!

5 commenti:

Anonimo ha detto...

Xersex, Judge Judy is a huge hit show in the United States. She was the first of the court shows that came on probably 15 years ago or so and is still on today.

I am like you in that he is a nice looking guy but he does look like he is getting a little thick. I do believe we could be a better judge if he would take his shirt off. Judge Gabriel and Judge Xersex can take over for Judge Judy now! LOL!

Angelo Ventura ha detto...

He looks nice. Happy Woden's GAY!

Unknown ha detto...

Yes! He's not bad looking! I agree with Gabriel! One could judge better if he took his shirt off! Oh! Why stop there? Take everything off!!!!!!!!!!! Happy Hump Day!

SickoRicko ha detto...

Nice face, but that's all I can say.

whkattk ha detto...

Judge Judy cracks me up! So many of the people on her show shall I say...idiots? LOL. Have a wonderful evening!