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mercoledì 6 maggio 2015

Happy Birthday Anton Antipov

Happy Birthday Anton!!!
Anton Antipov
born on May 6th, 1983 in Bobruisk, Belarus
Anton Antipov Антон Антипов
speaking in russian


with his sister

with his sister
with his sister

13 commenti:

Unknown ha detto...

Un tres beau mec et tres chaud! Happy Birthday! Merci mon ami, Patrick

Angelo Ventura ha detto...

Hot! Happy wednesGay to you!

Luke ha detto...

Great post, hot guy! Like the image of the roaring red "pump" shirt and jeans!

whkattk ha detto...

He sure looks like he enjoys himself!

Anonimo ha detto...

Superbe post mon cher ami ..ton ami Istvan

Your French Patrick ha detto...
Questo commento è stato eliminato dall'autore.
Your French Patrick ha detto...

De véritables trouvailles!
Et pour le reste, d'agréables retrouvailles.
Merci et bisous.

ZobàDada ha detto...

Bon anniversaire, Anton :)

Bisous, Xersex.

unnu ha detto...

On lècherais bien ses tablettes de chocolat.

Anonimo ha detto...

I just love him. He's so adorable--especially in that last photo, falling off the sofa! And he really, REALLY fills up a pair of tighty-whiteys!

kai ha detto...

Happy birthday, Anton!

Anonimo ha detto...

Such a deliciously gorgeous man!


RIVOMBROSO ha detto...

bel hommage avec de nouvelles photos
et quelle voix sexy il a

beautiful tribute wtih new pictures
what a sexy voice he gets