
copyright - droit d'auteur

I do NOT own any of the photos published on my blog. The images were found in public internet sites. If you own any of the photos and wish them to be removed, please send a message to Xersex here:
xersex2009 [ at ] libero [ dot ] it
and your request will be processed as soon as possible.

Je ne possède pas les droits des images publiées sur mon blog. Les images ont été trouvées dans des sites Internet publics. Si vous possédez une ou des photos et vous souhaitez qu'elles soient enlevées, s'il vous plaît, envoyez un message à Xersex ici:
xersex2009 [at] libero [dot] it
et votre demande sera traitée dès que possible.

martedì 24 febbraio 2015

Surviving - survivre - sopravvivere

All of us have received this mail:
Dear Blogger User,

We're writing to tell you about an upcoming change to the Blogger Content  Policy that may affect your account.
In the coming weeks, we'll no longer allow blogs that contain sexually  explicit or graphic nude images or video. We'll still allow nudity  presented in artistic, educational, documentary, or scientific contexts, or  where there are other substantial benefits to the public from not taking  action on the content.
The new policy will go into effect on the 23rd of March 2015. After this  policy goes into effect, Google will restrict access to any blog identified  as being in violation of our revised policy. No content will be deleted,  but only blog authors and those with whom they have expressly shared the blog will be able to see the content we've made private.

Our records indicate that your account may be affected by this policy  change. Please refrain from creating new content that would violate this  policy. Also, we ask that you make any necessary changes to your existing  blog to comply as soon as possible, so that you won't experience any  interruptions in service.

The Blogger Team

I really do not want to throw away my blog. I also really liked the platform blogspot, because it allows an intense interactivity in the comments. So I think it is better for my blog, to be set to "private" and not visible except by accredited members, that my readers and commentators. You have created a nice round of people who comment and share each other's posts, and I would like to keep it. All our blogs can continue if we set all as "private." And I wish I won't loose my friend bloggers, I love you my guys!

What do you think?


nous avons tous reçu ce mail
Cher utilisateur de Blogger,

Nous vous informons que nous allons bientôt apporter une modification au règlement relatif au contenu de Blogger. Celle-ci est susceptible d'avoir une incidence sur votre compte.

D'ici quelques semaines, nous n'autoriserons plus les blogs où sont publiées des images ou des vidéos montrant de la nudité ou à caractère sexuel explicite. Lorsqu'elle est représentée dans un contexte artistique, éducatif, documentaire ou scientifique, ou lorsque l'importance des enjeux pour le public nous conduit à ne pas prendre de mesures relatives au contenu, la nudité restera autorisée.

Le nouveau règlement entrera en vigueur le 23 mars 2015. Après cette date, nous limiterons l'accès aux blogs qui, selon nous, ne respectent pas le nouveau règlement. Nous ne supprimerons pas de contenu, mais seuls les auteurs des blogs concernés et les personnes avec lesquelles ils ont expressément partagé leurs blogs pourront voir le contenu que nous aurons rendu privé.

D'après les informations en notre possession, votre compte est susceptible d'être concerné par cette nouvelle règle. Veuillez ne pas créer de contenu qui serait contraire à celle-ci. Nous vous demandons également d'apporter les modifications nécessaires à votre blog existant pour le mettre en conformité avec celle-ci le plus rapidement possible et éviter ainsi toute interruption de service. Vous avez aussi la possibilité de créer une archive de votre contenu à l'aide de Google Takeout.

L'équipe Blogger

Je ne veux vraiment pas de jeter mon blog. J'ai aussi beaucoup aimé la plate-forme blogspot, car elle permet une interactivité intense dans les commentaires. Donc, je pense que c'est mieux pour mon blog, être réglé sur "privé" et non visible que par membres accrédités, qui sont mes lecteurs et commentateurs. On a créé une belle groupe de personnes qui commentent et partagent les posts les uns des autres, et je aimerais le garder.
Tous nos blogs peuvent continuer à vivre, si nous les avons tous défini comme «privé». Et je souhaite que je ne vais pas perdre mes amis blogueurs, je vous aime mes gars!

Qu'en pensez-vous?


Tutti noi abbiamo ricevuto questa mail.
Gentile utente di Blogger,

Ti scriviamo per informarti di una modifica che verrà apportata a breve  alle Norme per i contenuti di Blogger e che potrebbe interessare il tuo account.

Nelle prossime settimane non consentiremo più la pubblicazione di blog  contenenti foto o video sessualmente espliciti o di nudi. È sempre ammesso  il nudo in contesti artistici, educativi, documentaristici o scientifici, o  laddove si presentano altri vantaggi sostanziali per il pubblico.

Le nuove norme avranno validità a partire dal 23 marzo 2015. Dopo l'entrata  in vigore di tali norme, Google limiterà l'accesso a tutti i blog che  violano le norme riviste. I contenuti non verranno eliminati, ma saranno  resi privati e potranno essere visualizzati solo dagli autori dei blog e da coloro con i quali sono stati espressamente condivisi.

In base ai nostri dati, il tuo account potrebbe essere interessato da  questa modifica. Non creare nuovi contenuti che violerebbero queste norme. Ti chiediamo inoltre di apportare tutte le variazioni necessarie al blog  esistente per conformarti il più presto possibile, in modo che il servizio non venga interrotto. Puoi anche scegliere di creare un archivio dei  contenuti utilizzando Google Takeout.

Io sinceramente non voglio gettare via il mio blog. Inoltre mi piaceva molto la piattaforma blogspot, perchè permette una intensa interattività nei commenti. Quindi io penso che sia meglio per il mio blog, di essere impostato come "privato" e non visibile se non da parte di membri accreditati, che poi sarebbero i miei lettori e commentatori. è nato un bel gruppo di gente che commenta e condivide i reciproci posts, e vorrei mantenerlo.
I nostri blog possono andare avanti se lì impostiamo tutti come "privati". Io nno vorrei perdervi, amici bloggers!!!
Che ne pensate?  - sopravvivere

28 commenti:

Mark Greene ha detto...

I totally agree with you. Yes i will continue to love and support your blog. If I can continue to post my material with out fear of suspension I will go private also. The key is getting our visitors to follow our blogs. I have lots of visitors that come back often but they don't follow for some reason. I guess it will be better to have a few that are interactive than a whole lot that don't share their points of view. But I will still miss the mass numbers that visit my blog on a daily.

Mark Greene ha detto...

You definitely have your loyal followers. Me being one.

Anonimo ha detto...

Io però non ho capito cosa devo fare per continuare a vedere quello degli altri, imposto il mio come privato...e poi? Se non sono nelle cerchie degli altri non vedo nulla....

whkattk ha detto...

I am a loyal follower. IT IS IMPERATIVE that our readers become Members by using the "Join This Site" function.

ZobàDada ha detto...

Pour suivre un blog privé, il faut que le visiteur communique son adresse e-mail au propriétaire du blog et ensuite qu'il introduise cette adresse mail pour s'identifier à chaque fois qu'il veut accédé à un blog auquel il s'est inscrit. C'est sûr que cela va nous faire perdre beaucoup de visiteurs.
Tu connais mon adresse e-mail et tu peux donc l'ajouter dans ta liste de visiteurs autorisés pour que je puisse continuer à te suivre.

Pour ma part, je vais revoir tous les articles de mon blog et enlever tout le contenu qui n'est plus autorisé par Blogger. En espérant que cela suffira.
Parallèlement, j'ouvre un blog pour publier le contenu que Blogger ne veut plus assumer.

Your French Patrick ha detto...

@ Mark Greene
If only it was true!
After ayatollah Blogger's fatwa I tried to know what would take place if my blog was private. I could not have more than a small number of invited readers (and I have not said followers), and these authorizations must be renewed every month.
Best regards.

Your French Patrick ha detto...

C'est très juste, il ne suffit pas d'être un abonné.
Je précise seulement que cette autorisation doit être renouvelée tous les mois.
Et je doute que leur nombre soit illimité.

Anonimo ha detto...

blogger threaten freedom of expression

Unknown ha detto...

I will probably do the same!

T.B.C ha detto...

Hi my friend!! How can we read our blogs' friend if they will be private!! The black centaur was blocked twice and this one is the third one!! And now blogger intend to block all of us!! We can hardly beleive it!! It's really unfair!!!

Anonimo ha detto...

I am going to try to set it to PRIVATE and then hopefully people will want to follow. Anything that any other blogger learns in this process that could be helpful for all of us to know is appreciated!

Breno ha detto...

They are doing this with straight porn too? I think not!
I will continue a follower. Long life!!!

Your French Patrick ha detto...

They said "nudity". It's true as well for males and females, as well for straights and homosexual. As regards the animals, I don't know.

Your French Patrick ha detto...

If it's private, no visitor and no follower will be able to see something; Only the invited "readers", and the invitations must be renewed every month.

Your French Patrick ha detto...

If it's private, no visitor and no follower will be able to see something; Only the invited "readers", and the invitations must be renewed every month.

Your French Patrick ha detto...

If it's private, no visitor and no follower will be able to see something; Only the invited "readers", and the invitations must be renewed every month.

Xersex ha detto...

and what's the problem renowing every month the invitations? in my opinion, it's a minimal problem! I every month renew the background and the layout of my blog. I think renewing calls is a task that requires a maximum of three minutes.

Queer Heaven ha detto...

the big problem with going "private" is there is no way to let possible new readers to find our bloggs.

Xersex ha detto...

1) do you prefer let your blog dying?
2) unfortunately, the blogspot platform is one that allows more interaction with the comments;
3) do you think that many platforms allow nudity sexually explicit, expecially gay? I do not think so!
4) I think that we all continue to see blogs about sex, we could invite various bloggers to visit our blogs! I mean also on youtube and on tumblr. In many profiles, they put their mail address!

Finally I can't accept to see destryed not only my blog but the blogs of all of you!

Lorenzo Ridolfi ha detto...

Ecco chi sono i responsabili, un tabloid spazzatura inglese che ha intrapreso una falsa campagna in difesa dei bambini dalla pornografia.

Your French Patrick ha detto...
Questo commento è stato eliminato dall'autore.
Your French Patrick ha detto...
Questo commento è stato eliminato dall'autore.
Your French Patrick ha detto...

I made a test: My blog @ is now "private".
Thus, please:
1°) Try to open it and tell me if (having been kind and friendly enough to follow it) you can enter in it.
2°) Note the last post received by you with "Friend connect" as a follower (for instance by downloading it) and see 24 hours after if the newer posts have been added or not.
So we will know soon and it will be clear in our minds.
Don't forget to tell us what happened.
I'll be happy if I was wrong.
Bisous, my friend.

RIVOMBROSO ha detto...

what a pity of that google censorship
so i close my blog forever

because if it is private blog
only a small group of members can be invited

google doesn't let you get all the members you want
no no no
they will stop at a number they choose
but around 100 members allowed only, i think

so go for another blog elsewhere
tumblr (the best for porn and nudity)

RIVOMBROSO ha detto...

french patrick
the trouble with your blog in private
there is no any email adress where we can ask to be invited
google blogger doesn't let us see an email where we can ask to be member
by giving our own email

Your French Patrick ha detto...

@ Rivombroso:
Xersex has just confirmed me that now that my blog is in private he cannot enter my blog in spite of the fact that he is one of its subscriber.
I published a post just now so that it is not necessary to wait 24 hours.
Within one hour he will can tell me if the fact of being a subscriber serves at least to receive the posts by Friend Connect or if that is absolutely of no use.
As regards the guests you are right. Not only that limits us to the small number of e-mail address that we know in advance, but in more the invitations must be every month renewed, thus it is not viable.

Xersex ha detto...

just you could keep open your blog. Your nude and pornography is so little ...

@ French Patrick:
let wait till 24 hours. Maybe it need some time more to feel me allowed to see your "private" blog! Let's wait!!!

Very soon another post about my and other blogs

RIVOMBROSO ha detto...

i won't open my blog, sunday i close it forever
i don't want to spend all my time to choose the pictures
and find if it is not to be posted or if i can post because nudity or no nudity

i want to be free to post what i want
i won't do any new blog with Google
and the only one blog i keep is my tumblr porn & erotic blog
link down here