
copyright - droit d'auteur

I do NOT own any of the photos published on my blog. The images were found in public internet sites. If you own any of the photos and wish them to be removed, please send a message to Xersex here:
xersex2009 [ at ] libero [ dot ] it
and your request will be processed as soon as possible.

Je ne possède pas les droits des images publiées sur mon blog. Les images ont été trouvées dans des sites Internet publics. Si vous possédez une ou des photos et vous souhaitez qu'elles soient enlevées, s'il vous plaît, envoyez un message à Xersex ici:
xersex2009 [at] libero [dot] it
et votre demande sera traitée dès que possible.

giovedì 26 febbraio 2015


As I have already said several times on my blog and on other blogs, I have no intention of abandoning the cult of male beauty. I love the beauty of the male, the male body, I love sex between men, and I'm not going to be stopped in the expression of my great love. Do we have no longer the permission to publish nudity and pornography on blogspot? then I'm opening another blog on blogspot with no frontal nudity and no pornography. Male beauty is great, is immense, and I think I can make a blog on this subject, even without frontal nudes and without pornography.
I think I do a blog to be read, too, and not just to be seen, and it will be very similar to menforxersex.blogspot.comFor naked integrals and pornography, we all know that tumblr is the best, though unfortunately not interactive for comments, as blogspot is.
However, if I can, I will continue with my blog menforxersex set to "private", otherwise I'll abandon it.
let's try to maintain us in contact and not to lose us each other!!!

my new blog

my tumblr version 

Comme je l'ai déjà dit plusieurs fois sur mon blog et sur les blogs d'autres, je n'ai pas l'intention d'abandonner le culte de la beauté masculine. Je aime la beauté de l'homme, le corps masculin, je aime le sexe entre hommes, et je ne vais pas être arrêté dans l'expression de mon grand amour. Nous ne pouvons plus publier la nudité et la pornographie sur blogspot? alors je vais ouvrir un autre blog sur blogspot, sans nudité frontale et sans pornographie. La beauté masculine est grande, est immense, et je pense que je peux faire un blog sur ce sujet, même sans nus frontaux et sans pornographie.
Je pense de faire un blog à lire aussi, et pas seulement à voir, et il sera très similaire à Pour les nus intégrales et la pornographie, nous savons tous que tumblr est le meilleur, mais malheureusement pas interactif pour commentaires, comme il est blogspot. Cependant, s'il sera possible, je vais continuer avec mon blog menforxersex réglé sur "privé", sinon je l'abandonnerai.

Essayons tous de maintenir nous en contact et ne pas nous perdre !!!

mon nouvel blog
 ma tumblr version 

Come ho detto già diverse volte, sul mio blog e su quello di altri, non ho nessuna intenzione di abbandonare il culto della bellezza maschile. Io amo la bellezza maschile, il corpo maschile, amo il sesso tra uomini, e non ho nessuna intenzione di essere fermato nell'espressione di questo mio grande amore. Non è più permesso pubblicare nudità e pornografia su blogspot? allora sto aprendo un altro blog su blogspot senza nudi frontali e senza pornografia. La bellezza maschile è grande, è immensa, e io penso di riuscire a fare un blog su questo soggetto, anche senza nudi frontali e senza pornografia.

Penso di fare un blog anche da leggere e non solo da vedere, e sarà molto simile a Ci sto ancora pensando.  Per i nudi integrali e per la pornografia, noi tutti sappiamo che tumblr è il meglio, anche se purtroppo non è interattivo per i commenti, come blogspot. Comunque, se sarà possibile, continuerò anche con il mio blog regolato su "privato", altrimenti lo abbandonerò.

Cerchiamo di mantenere i contatti e di non perderci!!!

il mio nuovo blog

la mia versione tumblr

12 commenti:

Your French Patrick ha detto...

Don't make it private to soon so as as much people as possible can find on it your new address.

You can import your Blogger in Tumblr by the ways that I said on AOM.

It's true that it is not in the habits of the users of Tumblr, but I think that the comments work no less well on Tumblr than on Blogger if both yourself and your visitor have a free Disqus account.

André ha detto...

Oui, gardons le contact. Je suis en train de réfléchir. Mon blogue de samedi donnera plus d'informations (et exprimera ma colère).

RIVOMBROSO ha detto...

i don't understand how we can see a private blog
when there is nothing to make you go inside

i have seen with French Patrick Blog
there is nothing no button to click
and that can allow you to go inside once it is private

???????????????????? great mystery to me

a{GAY}tekeeper{iam} ha detto...

I had the same thought as you

ZobàDada ha detto...

Garder un blog public pour adulte sans image de nudité et en ouvrir un autre en mode privé (ou le contraire si Blogger ne veut pas laisser mon blog en public malgré tous mes efforts) est aussi quelque chose à quoi je réfléchis. Ainsi, je pourrais mettre un petit pavé sur le blog public pour dire aux visiteurs qu'ils peuvent me donner leur adresse mail s'il veulent accéder au blog privé.

En attendant, j'ai déjà ouvert un blog tumblr où tu peux voir le jus qui disparaît de l'autre : :)

Bonne journée - Bisous.

Luke ha detto...

Well said, my friend! Really enjoy your posts, agree that it would be great to maintain the community that has come together! Will definitely check out your new blog!

Unknown ha detto...

I still have not decided just what I will do. If I stay with Blogger I will not go "PRIVATE" but just be open to other bloggers. The first of the possibilities. I am however considering going to TUMBLER, even though it does not allow for comments. If I do that I will combine both my blogs into one. No way am I going to make my address public. I guess a lot will depend on what others are doing. Bisous, Patrick

Anonimo ha detto...

Tumblr is problematic! You cannot backup your blog there and also Tumblr sometimes deletes blogs, for example after copyright complaints and we all use pictures that are not our own ones.

whkattk ha detto...

New (GOOD) news from Team Blogger in my mailbox. We'll stay open for business.

Anonimo ha detto...

I will definitely stay connected with you through the new blog. Hopefully though we can stay with what we have now. Fingers crossed!

RIVOMBROSO ha detto...

good news
Google Blogger cancels Nude Content Censorship

here the link to read in english

my blog is alive and i continue here

but not any daily post now, only sometimes
that drama has upset me

Unknown ha detto...

As Blogger has backed down, I will make no changes! Bisous, Patrick