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sabato 26 luglio 2014

the imagination of Nature - l'imagination de la nature

Bronze Penis in Korea

Nature too is devoted to the phallus
Nature est également consacrée au phallus

9 commenti:

Unknown ha detto...

Bonjour Xersex

J'espére que tes vacances ce sont bien déroulées

Merci d'embellir ma journée avec ces belles photos

Je serais peu présent sur les blogs amis , ainsi que sur mon blog jusqu'à fin Août

Bon weekend

Bisous sucrés

Anonimo ha detto...

I have a whole new appreciation for nature! LOL!

Unknown ha detto...

Welcome back! I really missed your comments! Nature - so weird - so beautiful! Merci mon chere ami, avec l'amour et les bisous, Patricio

French Gayland ha detto...

bon retour
good return

merveilleuse nature et une bite parmi les photos
wonderful nature and a cock amongst pictures

Men du jour ha detto...

Welcome back. Hope you had a relaxing vacation. :)

Unknown ha detto...

Well why do we call her Mother Nature
Every Mother needs a dick!

Angelo Ventura ha detto...

Bentornato, passate buone vacanze? Happy sunGAY a te!

Westernstock ha detto...

Wonderful and interesting pics from nature. But the one that speaks to my dick most is the shrine to Phallus at the end. Oh that ass!

a{GAY}tekeeper{iam} ha detto...

nature is NEVER wrong