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lunedì 11 marzo 2024

Music & love

a wonderful mix of music and male tenderness in these three videos.
un merveilleux mélange de musique et de tendresse masculine dans ces trois vidéos.

8 commenti:

Francisco ha detto...


So sweet :)

Dune ha detto...

Pour bien entamer la semaine...

Jeremy ha detto...

sweet :-)

Anonimo ha detto...

Perfecta combinacion.Amigo venezolano, Cúcuta

whkattk ha detto...

Music really is the universal language.

Sixpence Notthewiser ha detto...

Love the Pet Shop Boys and I loved that movie!
I should watch it again on Hulu...


Alexian ha detto...

Super craquant, j'ai toujours adoré Ryan Philippe.

Gay Straight Porn ha detto...

Tanner Valentino is back, this time to fuck sweet little Marcus Rivers!