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giovedì 25 maggio 2023

ÉDEN (Short-Film)

Genesis 2:8 "And the Lord God planted a garden in Eden, in the east, and there he put the man whom he had formed". In this story, João (Nuno Pardal) and Pedro (Pedro Sousa Loureiro) live in this garden. What João wants the most is for Pedro to be happy and the only way he found to make that happen is to support him in his escape with Sara (Sara Barros Leitão). On the other hand, Pedro learned how to love João and does not want to leave the garden. But one of them ate the forbidden fruit.

Genèse 2:8 "Et le Seigneur Dieu planta un jardin en Eden, à l'orient, et il y mit l'homme qu'il avait formé". Dans cette histoire, João (Nuno Pardal) et Pedro (Pedro Sousa Loureiro) vivent dans ce jardin. Ce que João veut le plus, c'est que Pedro soit heureux et le seul moyen qu'il a trouvé pour y arriver est de le soutenir dans sa fuite avec Sara (Sara Barros Leitão). D'autre part, Pedro a appris à aimer João et ne veut pas quitter le jardin. Mais l'un d'eux a mangé le fruit défendu.

one of the best short movies I have ever seen

Un des meilleurs courts métrages que j'ai jamais vu

7 commenti:

whkattk ha detto...

Very sweet.

Dune ha detto...

Mangez des pommes :)

Sixpence Notthewiser ha detto...

Loved it! And when he was unconsolable in the car? I teared up. That cryptic end, though. But Pedro did come back, right? Right??


Francisco ha detto...

Very good :)


uptonking ha detto...

Ahh... beware the power of fables. There's always a hidden agenda. Kizzes.

Anonimo ha detto...

Super.Amigo venezolano,Cucuta

Alexian ha detto...

Manger des pommes c'est bon pour la santé.