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venerdì 9 settembre 2022

dicks to eat - bites à manger

I leave you, for this weekend, with some dicks to eat and with this pastry that really exists in Milan. Obviously I can't translate the video, but it seems these sweets are very good, as they say.

Je vous laisse, pour ce week-end, avec quelques bites à bouffer et avec cette pâtisserie qui existe vraiment à Milan. Évidemment, je ne peux pas traduire la vidéo, mais il semble que ces bonbons soient très bons, comme ils disent.

the dick and his food variations

la bite et ses variations alimentaires

13 commenti:

uptonking ha detto...

Well... I'm not sure this is what they have in mind when they tell me to go eat a dick. But some of it looks fun.

joseph ha detto...

miam !

joseph ha detto...

je connaissais "rude food" de David Thorpe (visions plus féminines de l'alliage sexe nourriture ) la qualité de certaines photos plus masculines valent la peine d'être découvertes aussi

Dune ha detto...

Merci Xersex, bon week end à toi.
Mais j'ai faim maintenant....

Mistress Maddie ha detto...

I know I sure wouldn't mind some of those hotdogs to eat!!!!

I used to date a guy who, like myself liked to use foods in sex. Nutella is great for dipping the cock in and sucking it off.

Jeremy ha detto...

delicious :-)

Your French Patrick ha detto...

Bon weekend à toi aussi.

whkattk ha detto...

It all looks like fun as well as delicious! Have a happy weekend!

Francisco ha detto...


Anonimo ha detto...

Delicias.Amigo venezolano,Cucuta

Jimmy ha detto...

Honey mustard on mine, please.

SickoRicko ha detto...


Alexian ha detto...

Cela donne très faim, ils nous restent plus qu'à aller à Milan pour y gouter à ces superbes desserts.