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venerdì 14 maggio 2021

happy Birthday Lucas Gil

Happy Birthday

Lucas Barbosa Gil

born on May 15, 1984
Votuporanga, São Paulo, Brazil

model and Mister Brazil World 2007 

his wiki bio here

👇 Two short videos 👇

his Instagram here is wonderful

his portfolio here

Feliz aniversário, Lucas!

10 commenti:

Mistress Maddie ha detto...

I adore him!!!! A smile that lights up a room, and would make me break a few laws for him.

But you had me at Brazil darling.

Jimmy ha detto...

Very pretty boy!

SickoRicko ha detto...

He is very attractive.

uptonking ha detto...

He's very pretty. Yes, indeed.

Your French Patrick ha detto...

Ma photo préférée est la numéro 2 sur 12.
Pour cet anniversaire il s'est mis en sous-vêtement, alors espérons que l'année prochaine on le verra finir le travail de manière à être entièrement nu.

HuntleyBiGuy ha detto...

What a beautiful man.

Sixpence Notthewiser ha detto...

Very, very handsome.
I had to go and check out his portfolio. Yes, I did.


Hot guys ha detto...

Happy b'day to this stunner! 💋

Been seeing him online for years now! 🙂

Christian BAILLY ha detto...

La beauté faite homme pour le plaisir de nos yeux

Alexian ha detto...

Bon anniversaire Lucas. Ce mec est superbe, magnifiquement musclé.