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venerdì 29 gennaio 2021


 I have always loved the Egyptian world

With these images I wish you a good weekend

J'ai toujours aimé le monde égyptien. 

Avec ces images je vous souhaite

une bonne fin de semaine.

17 commenti:

Mistress Maddie ha detto...

I had a good Egyptian friend years ago, and we finally had sex one night after being friends for years. Not a huge penis...but was very good in bed. He kept the barge floating!!!!

unnu ha detto...

voila des pyramides de désirs, qui ne nous laissent pas de marbres.

Jeremy ha detto...

delicious :-)

Hot guys ha detto...

Quite interesting 😏 Shows what we knew already, but still... Gay romance has always existed! 🙂

Sixpence Notthewiser ha detto...

Love the illustrations. The photoshop is fantastic.
I follow Felix d'Eon on IG. He's fabulous.


uptonking ha detto...

Breathtaking and intriguing. I find Egyptian themed artifacts fascinating. And those circuit boys! Knock it out of the park!

whkattk ha detto...

I'm right there with you. Egyptian has always intrigued me. Plus, the ancients enjoyed same-gender sex without the bullshit we see now. And that is a huge plus!

Your French Patrick ha detto...

Je dois avouer qu'ils ont vieilli beaucoup moins que je m'y attendais. Preuve qu'il ne faut jamais avoir des idées préconçues.

I must admit that they aged a lot less than I expected. Proof that we should never have preconceived ideas.

SickoRicko ha detto...

Fabulous post!

Francisco ha detto...

OMG so good

Anonimo ha detto...

Fuck like an egyptian!

André ha detto...

Oui, intéressant. Sauf que les vrais Égyptiens étaient beaucoup plus beaux et attirants que ces bestiaux nourris aux hormones artificielles.

Luke ha detto...

Erotic and so sensually charged. Illustrations are wonderful!!!

Anonimo ha detto...

Sin dudas, el Antiguo Egipto tenía secretos y placeres que nos hubieran hecho delirar de gusto.


merci pour ce voyage !!! beau pour les yeux

Alexian ha detto...

J'ai toujours aimé la mythologie égyptienne, alors rajouter entre homme, et me voilà comblé.

Anonimo ha detto...

Hot as it gets.