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mercoledì 2 settembre 2020

Feet - pieds

a candid camera video (found on telegram) that for some will be boring, for others delicious.

une vidéo (camera cachée - type, trouvée sur télégram) qui pour certains sera ennuyeusemais pour d'autres délicieuse.

9 commenti:

Luke ha detto...

...the hotness of feet ( thank you for enlightening me, Gabriel)!!! Last one is wet and so sexy!!!

Sixpence Notthewiser ha detto...

I like summer because we get to see some very hot men barefoot or in sandals. I think I'm more into nice legs, but I would not be opposed to some shrimping...


Alexian ha detto...

J'aime bien les jolis pieds mais pas d'un point de vue sexuelle.

Anonimo ha detto...

Bellos como sus dueños.Amigo venezolano,Cucuta

Your French Patrick ha detto...

Wet or oiled? In both case you're right, it's sexier.

Your French Patrick ha detto...

Pas mal de belles photos. Je préfère celles où on voit l'homme avec ses pieds plutôt que les pieds tout seul, mais c'est un détail et ça n'engage que moi-même.

Francisco ha detto...

Bueno, ricco post :) I love it

whkattk ha detto...

Summer equals bare feet.

Anonimo ha detto...

I loved the candid video! Love seeing that in real life at coffee shops and such. In fact, I like doing that too!

Xersex, I hope that you had an enjoyable holiday!