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venerdì 1 maggio 2020

Musketeers - Mousquetaires IV/V

Xersex's Musketeers say goodbye to April
and welcome the month of May

Les Mousquetaires de Xersex disent au revoir à avril
et accueillent le mois de mai

Immagine correlata

Risultati immagini per welcome may

Risultati immagini per bienvenu mai

Risultati immagini per bienvenido mayo

Risultati immagini per bienvenido mayo

Risultati immagini per bem vindo maio

Risultati immagini per bem vindo maio

Risultati immagini per bem vindo maio

Risultati immagini per bem vindo maio

one for all, all for one, they know very well 
how to enjoy each other, all together! 

un pour tous, tous pour un, ils savent très bien

se faire plaisir l'un l'autre, tous ensemble!

Happy month of May, my bloggerfamily!

Bon mois de mai, ma famille de blog!

14 commenti:

Francisco ha detto...

perfect post

Luke ha detto...

Wonderful always , les Mousquetaires bring bold hopes for the new month...and may May bring healing and good health for all!!

Emile Karl ha detto...

Mai... Mia.. Miam !

Hot guys ha detto...

May is nice, yup. I'm up for it right now.

Since it's the first day of the month...

Happy May 1st, ya'll! ^.^

HuntleyBiGuy ha detto...

On May 1st my brother’s husband has an annual email that he sends out; “The first of May, the first of May, outdoor sex begins today!” Unless you’re quarantined with your partner not so easy these days. Stay safe everyone!

Sixpence Notthewiser ha detto...

I wish we didn't have to do this social distancing.
Those last photos were inspiring, to say the least...


Anonimo ha detto...

Mayo luce muy prometedor.Amigo venezolano,Cucuta

whkattk ha detto...

Happy May!!!

SickoRicko ha detto...

Love the new man for the month.


Yes happy may pour all ! Kisses

bignate ha detto...

this is how i wish i was ringing in May! Damn!

Anonimo ha detto...

Love seeing a guy getting lots of attention! And the second pic (head shot of a guy) gets me going because of his sexy nipple. Lick!

João ha detto...

Excelent post! May "May" be the very best month of this year until now!

Alexian ha detto...

Cela me plairais beaucoup d'avoir autant de queues rien que pour moi, cela me mets l'eau à la bouche.