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I do NOT own any of the photos published on my blog. The images were found in public internet sites. If you own any of the photos and wish them to be removed, please send a message to Xersex here:
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Je ne possède pas les droits des images publiées sur mon blog. Les images ont été trouvées dans des sites Internet publics. Si vous possédez une ou des photos et vous souhaitez qu'elles soient enlevées, s'il vous plaît, envoyez un message à Xersex ici:
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mercoledì 12 dicembre 2018

Today at the swimming pool - Aujourd'hui à la piscine

Today at the swimming pool

Aujourd'hui à la piscine

Obviously it's not me neither as swimmer or as photographer. I've just found this pics set on tumblr. 

Évidemment, ce n'est pas moi non plus en tant que nageur ou photographe. Je viens de trouver ces images sur tumblr.

5 commenti:

Anonimo ha detto...

Solo tenemos que conformarnos con esto?...Amigo venezolano,Cucuta

SickoRicko ha detto...


whkattk ha detto...

Wild... The place must have private changing rooms within the locker room.

Your comment on my blog said you were too nervous to get a hard-on and jack off - what was that about? What happened???

Francisco ha detto...


Anonimo ha detto...

I do like this post. Nice!