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martedì 6 febbraio 2018

Happy Birthday Dawson

Happy Birthday

 Andrew Patrick Rasmus
USA: February 6, 1986

Alas, no more informations
hélas, pas plus d'informations

a very young Dawson 
un très jeune Dawson

a marvellous video
une vidéo merveilleuse

a Dawson nowadays 
I think he abandoned porn and surely his teenager's look, and he's now a body builder. 
I don't know anything more! 

Immagine correlata

un Dawson de nos jours
Je pense qu'il a laissé le porno (et certainement son apparence d'adolescente) 
et il est maintenant un bodybuilder. 
Je n'en sais plus rien!

Immagine correlata

Risultati immagini per andrew patrick rasmus born 2/6

12 commenti:

Kalin'Ours ha detto...

Bon anniversaire à ce beau gaillard de 32 ans qui n'a rien perdu de son charme en devenant plus mature, bien au contraire.

Anonimo ha detto...

Quite a handsome young man.

Angelo Ventura ha detto...

Nice lad. Happy Tuesgay!

Anonimo ha detto...

I believe I read somewhere that he's originally from Iowa. He looks it, anyway--like a corn-fed country boy! And Iowa is full of Scandinavians, which is probably his heritage.

Unknown ha detto...

Very nice looking young guy! Hi! Thanks for your visits and comments!

Anonimo ha detto...

Feliz cumpleaños guapo.Amigo venezolano,Cucuta

whkattk ha detto...

Not being a fan of the muscle-bound, I can't say this is an improvement.

SickoRicko ha detto...

Quite a cutie, until he bulked up.

Xersex ha detto...

@ Keith
Dawson with scandianvian roots? may be, but he for me looks so American (USA). In my opinion, he is a wonderful country boy, who, instead of doing agricultural works, does bodybuilding. However, he has the incredible beauty of a male angel!

Dawson avec des racines scandianviennes? peut-être, mais il a l'air si américain (USA). À mon avis, c'est un garçon de campagne merveilleux, qui, au lieu de faire des travaux agricoles, fait de la musculation. Cependant, il a l'incroyable beauté d'un ange masculin!

Xersex ha detto...

@ SickoRicko & whkattk
me too I preferred him before!!!

Francisco ha detto...

Happy Birthday

Alexian ha detto...

Un très beau mec, très sexy. très musclés. Bon anniversaire.