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giovedì 6 luglio 2017

World Kiss Day - journée internationale du baiser

today is the "World kiss day". So I adore kisses and I can't let go this day without a post on kisses! 

Risultati immagini per "world kiss day"

Aujourd'hui, c'est le "journée internationale du baiser". Alors, j'adore les bisous et je ne peux pas laisser aller ce jour sans post sur les bisous!

Risultati immagini per journée internationale du baiser

Sex can be made also without kisses
but how much it is poorer! 

Le sexe peut aussi être fait sans bisous 
mais combien il est plus pauvre!

so, enjoy my post and give 
to others as many kisses as you can! 

Alors, profitez de mon post et donnez aux autres autant de baisers que vous pourrez!

Joseph John Bertrund Belanger (right) kisses a man in a photo booth. “PGE exhibition, Hastings Park.” Vancouver, Circa 1953. Photo: ONE National Gay & Lesbian Archives at USC Libraries

11 commenti:

Anonimo ha detto...

Que dia tan rico.Amigo venezolano,Cucuta

whkattk ha detto...

Soft, gentle, loving ones are the most erotic!

Kalin'Ours ha detto...

Ce jeudi était en effet la journée internationale des bisous. Alors, je te fais de gros bisous amicaux.

SickoRicko ha detto...

Very VERY nice!

Anonimo ha detto...

So many hot kisses to celebrate World Kiss Day. I think I liked the couple just before the video clips for their tender kiss and the pair doing crunches on the beach. I would work out more often with incentives like those kisses!

Angelo Ventura ha detto...

Fantastico post! Tanti baci a te e buon Frigay!

Unknown ha detto...

Great post! HOT KISSING!

Alexian ha detto...

En voilà une magnifique journée, super sexe

PT ha detto...

No way can I "keep calm" with those videos and GIFs. So much kissing, so much sexiness.

Hot guys ha detto...

Hey hey ^.^
Enjoyed the post, those photos & GIF's are pretty good! :)
So, gotta end it with... Kisses!

- Fit Studs

Christian BAILLY ha detto...

heureusement qu'il ne faut pas attendre ce jour là pour s'embrasser !!! lol
bisous mon beau

Rappelle toi ce premier baiser
Sur tes lèvres effleurées
Ce baiser de tendresse
Débordant de promesse