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venerdì 19 giugno 2015

Happy Birthday Leo Giamani

Happy Birthday
Leo Giamani
Leo Giamani
was born on June 19, 1978 in the USA
as Robert Foresta
don't forget his Italian roots!


9 commenti:

Your French Patrick ha detto...

Une courte carrière, à peine plus de deux ans, mais au sommet de son art avec deux titres de meilleur acteur et trois nominations, et à part un film hétéro il n'y a rien à jeter. J'ai eu et j'ai aimé son film avec Colby Keller (

A short career, a little over two years, but at the top his art with two wins as better actor and three nominations, and except a heterosexual movie there is nothing to dislike. I had and I liked his movie with Colby Keller (

Thanks and bisous, my dear friend.

Angelo Ventura ha detto...

Interesting! Happy FriGay!

Unknown ha detto...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY LEO! Tres chaud! Merci mon ami, avec bisous, Patrick

Thank you for your visits and comments. Hugs, Patricio!

Unknown ha detto...

Very Hot MAN not 20 something fashion model ♡

ZobàDada ha detto...

Bon anniversaire à Leo !

Bon weekend - Bisous.

Mark Greene ha detto...

What a fine specimen of a man ! I haven't seen him in action but I think i'm going to look him up. Sexy.

The Male Casting Couch

Anonimo ha detto...

Leo is a sexy man. A very sexy masculine man. I never knew his real name. You are always in the know, Xersex! I love that!

Anonimo ha detto...

Happy birthday to a real slab of beef! I can't wait to see whose birthday is July 15--because that's mine! : )

Anonimo ha detto...

I remember a Jake Cruise video and he sizes his member, some 8,5" !!!!!!