Un blog sur l'amour pour la beauté masculine! A blog on love for male beauty! un blog sull'amore per la bellezza maschile!
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I agree with Mark that the numbers on his arm distract a little from his beautiful body. It makes me think that models do things like tattoos and such in order to stand out more in a competitive field. What are your thoughts on that? Regardless of the numbers on his arm, Noah is fine looking!
@ Gabriel & Mark Greene: you're meaning to #7 & #10. (#11 his arm is normal) I hope it is something stuck or otherwise NOT definitive. Noah would be really stupid to ruin his body in this way. I just do not like extended tattoos, I find them disgusting. Can you imagine what can I think of branding?
13 commenti:
Un tres chaud mec! Magnifique! Merci mon ami! Avec Bisous, Patrick
Noah will probably always be hot. So pretty!
such a beautiful man ! I'm not to fond of the numbers branded or cut in his skin. but he is very sexy !
un tel bel homme ! Je ne suis pas au fond des numéros de marque ou coupés dans sa peau . mais il est très sexy !
merveilleux modèle que celui-ci
wonderful model that this one
j’ai un article sur lui sur mon blog ici
i've got an article on him on my blog here
Bravo, Stève. Tu as bien travaillé. Merci.
I agree with Mark that the numbers on his arm distract a little from his beautiful body. It makes me think that models do things like tattoos and such in order to stand out more in a competitive field. What are your thoughts on that? Regardless of the numbers on his arm, Noah is fine looking!
Ah le canada quel beau espace. : )
@ Gabriel & Mark Greene: you're meaning to #7 & #10. (#11 his arm is normal)
I hope it is something stuck or otherwise NOT definitive. Noah would be really stupid to ruin his body in this way. I just do not like extended tattoos, I find them disgusting. Can you imagine what can I think of branding?
Bon anniversaire à Noah.
Probably the Hottest model you have paid tribute to. BRAVO and Happy Birthday Beautiful Man ♡
Superbe ! La beauté de l'homme en personne !
Belle journée à toi mon ami
Happy birthday, Noah!
Happy birthday, Noah...another guy who seems to be able to wear a beard and look good.
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