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venerdì 26 dicembre 2014

Santa Claus came - Père Noël est venu

Santa Claus came
Père Noël est venu
what gifts has he brought to you?
quels cadeaux a-t-il vous apporté?

true, but do not forget that
even Santa Claus deserves a gift

vrai, mais ne oubliez pas que
même Père Noël mérite un cadeau

8 commenti:

Anonimo ha detto...

Now I know who ate my cookies.


Spicy_D69 ha detto...

Merry Christmas :)

Unknown ha detto...

Pere Noel was very good to you! Lots of great presents, especially those big cocks! Hugs et bisous, Patrick

Angelo Ventura ha detto...

Buon Natale, spero che tu abbia avuto tanti bei regali!

Your French Patrick ha detto...

Maintenant, grâce à toi, je comprends mieux pourquoi il préfère faire les livraisons lui-même plutôt que par ses elfes.
Bisous, et même un baiser sur la bouche si tu n'as plus son sperme dans la bouche.

Now, thanks to you, I understand better why he prefers to make the deliveries by himself rather than by his elfs.
Bisous, and even a kiss on the mouth if you have no more his sperm in the mouth.

Unknown ha detto...

#9 is the Hottest Santa posted this Year ♡ UB

ZobàDada ha detto...

Père Noël est venu et il va maintenant aller se reposer entouré de tous ses petits elfes qui lui feront plein de câlins pour le requinquer :)

French Gayland ha detto...

y a de bons mecs là
pret a les savourer

there are good guys here
ready to enjoy them