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I do NOT own any of the photos published on my blog. The images were found in public internet sites. If you own any of the photos and wish them to be removed, please send a message to Xersex here:
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Je ne possède pas les droits des images publiées sur mon blog. Les images ont été trouvées dans des sites Internet publics. Si vous possédez une ou des photos et vous souhaitez qu'elles soient enlevées, s'il vous plaît, envoyez un message à Xersex ici:
xersex2009 [at] libero [dot] it
et votre demande sera traitée dès que possible.

domenica 7 settembre 2014

Happy SunGAY!

I wish you a relaxing SunGay
Je vous souhaite un dimanche relaxant
Take care of yourself
Prenez soin de vous

9 commenti:

Anonimo ha detto...

Two beautiful images! Have a great Sunday!

Angelo Ventura ha detto...

Happy Sun-Gay to you, my friend!

French Gayland ha detto...

happy good sunday for all

heureux bon dimanche à tous


Bon dimanche cher ami ! Bises

Queer Heaven ha detto...

I am sure you are planning on eating lots of Cum this Sunday!
Enjoy! Enjoy! Enjoy!

Unknown ha detto...

I could certainly take care of myself with the first man

Roger Poladopoulos ha detto...

relaxation is good

whkattk ha detto...

That is EXACTLY how I spent my Sunday. Were you peeking? ;-)

Ray's Cowboy ha detto...

Both Pictures are doing a number for ne.
