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lunedì 6 gennaio 2014

Santa Claus bye bye

The Christmas period is over and these Santa Claus greet you and say you goodbye until next Christmas!
La période de Noël est terminée et ces Père Noël vous saluent et disent au revoir jusqu'à Noël prochain!

8 commenti:

French Gayland ha detto...

good picture to say goodbye to holiday days

i don't know which one i want to climb my chimney

Roger Poladopoulos ha detto...


whkattk ha detto...

And we'll be eagerly awaiting their return!

Anonimo ha detto...

Christmas is NEVER over :-)

Male foot wear ha detto...

Christmas is every day for me xD

Funny pic :)

Your French Patrick ha detto...

LOL, ceux-là ont le temps de se laisser pousser la barbe d'ici à Noël prochain.
Remarque, peut-être l'avaient-ils à Noël dernier et qu'ils se l'ont rasée depuis.

tonyitalian1951 ha detto...

Arivederci Natale, Adios Vavidad. Bye bye Christmas. Au revoir Noel

Unknown ha detto...

Ah! But Christmas lives forever in our hearts! Thanks for all your Christmas posts! Bacci, Patrick