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domenica 15 dicembre 2013

Bryce Johnson in "Christmas Don't Be Late"

Bryce Johnson
born in Reno (Nevada), 18 aprile 1977

here in
Christmas don't be late


6 commenti:

French Gayland ha detto...

A funny GLEE moment

un moment amusant de GLEE

Unknown ha detto...

Very Jolly!

Alain- quartiergay ha detto...

très amusant cette chanson avec l'élium mdr

Anonimo ha detto...

Quite a hottie Xersex!

Be sure to see my post to you:

Westernstock ha detto...

a nice addition to the festal atmosphere!

tonyitalian1951 ha detto...

Bel video e belle foto di Bryce Johnson. La canzone dei chipmonks era una delle mie preferite quando venni in US anche se avevo di gia 16 anni. Grazie per il tuo buon lavoro.
Nice video and pics of Bryce Johnson. The song of the chipmonks was among my most preferred when I came into the US even if I was already 16 years old. Thanks for your good work