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sabato 16 novembre 2013

Seth Kuhlmann by Maurice Pegasi 1

Seth Kuhlmann by Maurice Pegasi 1

Seth Kuhlmann by Maurice Pegasi 2
Seth Kuhlmann video

Seth Kuhlmann by Maurice Pegasi 3

Seth Kuhlmann by Maurice Pegasi 4

Seth Kuhlmann by Maurice Pegasi 5

Seth Kuhlmann by Maurice Pegasi 6

Seth Kuhlmann by Maurice Pegasi 7

Seth Kuhlmann by Maurice Pegasi 8

Seth Kuhlmann by Maurice Pegasi 9

Seth Kuhlmann by Maurice Pegasi 10

Seth Kuhlmann by Maurice Pegasi 11

Seth Kuhlmann by Maurice Pegasi 12

Seth Kuhlmann by Maurice Pegasi 13

Seth Kuhlmann by Maurice Pegasi 14

Seth Kuhlmann by Maurice Pegasi 15

Seth Kuhlmann by Maurice Pegasi 16

Seth Kuhlmann by Maurice Pegasi 17

Seth Kuhlmann by Maurice Pegasi 18

Seth Kuhlmann by Maurice Pegasi 19

Seth Kuhlmann by Maurice Pegasi 20

Seth Kuhlmann by Maurice Pegasi 21

Seth Kuhlmann by Maurice Pegasi 22

Seth Kuhlmann by Maurice Pegasi 23

Seth Kuhlmann by Maurice Pegasi 24

Seth Kuhlmann by Maurice Pegasi 25

Seth Kuhlmann by Maurice Pegasi 26

Seth Kuhlmann by Maurice Pegasi 27

Seth Kuhlmann by Maurice Pegasi 28

Seth Kuhlmann by Maurice Pegasi 29

Seth Kuhlmann by Maurice Pegasi 30
Thanks to Merci à Grazie a

6 commenti:

French Gayland ha detto...

Oh My God
Oh Mon Dieu

Roger Poladopoulos ha detto...

Pegasi is one of my favorite artists and truly captures the beauty of men of all races, ethnicities, ages and sizes.

Alain ha detto...

Meme en version Photoshop il reste très beau gosse

Your French Patrick ha detto...

I agree with Roger Poladopoulos who has all said about these DRAWINGS & PAINTINGS.
I can only add that this time our friend Maurice, particularly well inspired, knew how to play his symphony with a whole range of different styles.
Have a wondrous weekend my dear friends, Xersex and Maurice, and lots of bisous.

Je suis d'accord avec Roger Poladopoulos qui a tout dit de ces DESSINS et PEINTURES.
Je peux seulement ajouter que cette fois notre ami Maurice, particulièrement bien inspiré, a su jouer à sa symphonie avec une gamme entière de styles différents.
Ayez un week-end merveilleux mes très chers amis, Xersex et Maurice, avec beaucoup de bisous.

Unknown ha detto...

Very talented artist! Great selection of paintings and drawings of a very beautiful model. Hugs and bisous, Patrick

Anonimo ha detto...

Très beau trvail mon ami ...j'adore ...Istvan...