giovedì 28 aprile 2022

Cum - sperme

Let's end this month of April with some cum!
Finissons ce mois d'avril avec du sperme!

👇 I swallow this way 👇
👆 j'avale comme ça👆

17 commenti:

  1. Para nosotros, el líquido elemento no es el agua!!!!! jajajajajajajaja

  2. Yes, please!
    The Brogurt one is hilarious.
    And of course I swallow!


  3. El nectar de los dioses.Amigo venezolano,Cucuta

  4. Ah, the stuff of life. I swallow, which means I rarely get to see the volley, which is most of the fun when a dude cums. Nor do I get any sense of the volume. I saw this post and immediately thought of the Lady Gaga/Ariana Grande song Rain On Me - which also works for water sports. Looking forward to a summer of swallowing at the prairie. It's only polite. Kizzes.

  5. Ah, the nectar of men. It's always a treat to see a man shoot.

  6. Moi je adepte de ne pas en perdre une goute, j'adore

  7. Love sucks...true love swallows! Love it!

  8. Perso, je suis pour le fait de ne pas en perdre une seule goute.

  9. Quel magnifique post
    Du sperme….du sperme….du sperme…
    Tout ce que nous aimons mon ami
    Chaud, liquoreux , suave, savoureux
    Cette liqueur d’homme qui est un don de la nature fait mon bonheur plus qu’aucun autre élixir…

  10. Questo commento è stato eliminato dall'autore.


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