mercoledì 1 dicembre 2021

December - décembre 2021

let's welcome the month of Decemberaccueillons le mois de décembreRisultati immagini per bienvenu decembre

Risultati immagini per bienvenu decembre

Risultati immagini per bienvenu decembre

Risultati immagini per benvenuto  dicembre

Risultati immagini per benvenuto  dicembre

Risultati immagini per bem vindo dezembro

Risultati immagini per bem vindo dezembro

12 commenti:

  1. Happy December Xersex!

    She stood there dressed in cold white down
    as soft winds swirled around her.
    Her angelic face smiled
    as she surveyed her wonderland.
    Her time had come again
    as it did once a year
    to cleanse the world white,
    making it seem bright
    under the pale moon.
    She surveyed her kingdom
    and with the sweep of her hand,
    she watched as the snowflakes fell again.
    The smile on her virginal face
    grew in its proportions
    as the winter winds blew their deepest chill,
    and then the Snow Queen knew
    her season had last arrived.
    The kingdom was hers again
    before it came the time
    when her sisters of spring, summer and autumn
    would once more again
    take their place on the throne.

  2. A un paso del proximo año.Amigo venezolano,Cucuta

  3. Rather surprising that we're here, again, so soon. In another month I begin my spring/summer whine, as I pine for warmer weather, gentler winds, and moister skin. I am not feeling winter this year, at all. Such a bother... snow. And freezing temps. Bah. Well... let's get on with it. Kizzes.

  4. Yay!
    I love the holidays. I love sparkly things, so it should not be a surprise. I agree with Upton: it's almost a surprise being here again.


  5. The only good thing about it being Dec is it brings me closer to Summer. 😁

  6. J'ai hâte de voir la neige arriver, Bon mois de décembre à tous.

  7. Décembre..... Mmmmmm le mois le plus festif de l'année !


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