mercoledì 3 marzo 2021

Pit stop

In my opinion, very erotic!

À mon avis, très érotique!


14 commenti:

  1. I'm in, for the first photo. I want to have hair like that in my next life!

  2. So... this is my thing. I love armpits. I love fresh funk. I love licking pits. I love drenching my face in a dudes perspiration. So hot. I bet you smell wonderful, huh? Hee, hee. I never wear cologne or deodorant. I love natural musk, natural man smells. GRRRRR Thanks for these. You trip my trigger.

  3. Bon préambule pour pimenter une séance de baise de temps en temps, sous réserve d'une bonne hygiène.

    Good preamble to spice up a fuck session from time to time, subject to good hygiene.

  4. I find 'em a turn-off actually but hey, each to their own 😏🤷‍♂️

  5. Super olorosos-Amigo venezolano,Cucuta

  6. @uptonking: I couldn't have said it better :-)
    Thank you Xersex. Yummy!

  7. I'm with Jimmy. That first photo!
    And I know tons of men into armpits. Tons.


  8. I don't think I'd enjoy licking a hairy pit anymore than I would a hairy ball sac. LOL

    1. @ whkattk
      Some love just what you don't seem to love: body hair! I have been rejected several times because I have little hair. There are people who love to lick a hairy cock and hairy scrotum. I prefer as little hair as possible: the less the merrier!

  9. I've licked a few in my life, but it's not my favorite thing to lick.

  10. Would love to run my fingers through the hair of the first guy. Absolutely gorgeous.

  11. Il y a là , toutes les effluves de mâles, l’essence de la virilité, celle qui attisent notre attirance pour les hommes’ et parmi eux il y a celui qui aura nos faveurs. Les parfums d’hommes peuvent être autant repoussants que envoûtants, sans que l’on sache trop quoi guide notre choix, si ce n’est l’amour de l’autre...


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