Xersex's Musketeers say goodbye to October
and welcome the month of November
Les Mousquetaires de Xersex disent au revoir à octobre
et accueillent le mois de novembre
one for all, all for one, they know very well
how to enjoy each other, all together!
un pour tous, tous pour un, ils savent très bien
se faire plaisir l'un l'autre, tous ensemble!
Happy month of November, bloggerfamily!
13 commenti:
Beautiful Fall foliage photos (the dick pics are good too). Thinking of you. Stay safe!
bonjour novembrrrr ...
Three more days ...
YA practicamente este año se acabo.Amigo venezolano,Cucuta
Well, that devolved into hardcore sex pretty fast... not that I mind. We all need plenty of distractions these days. Thank you for providing one. :)
Novembre me va bien quand les caleçons tombent autant que les feuilles de leurs branches.
Nice post.
...another great tribute to les mousquetaires !!! First image is perfect....and images of frolicking mousquetaires is most welcum!!
...tense nervous-making time here as we await the completion and results of the vote, the hopeful end to the orange plague inflicted upon ourselves the past four years, and the return to decency!!
Hello, November!!
They are always so very accomodating!
Un mois de novembre encore bien doux pour la saison, j'adore les photos et gifs des mecs en groupe se donnant beaucoup de plaisir.
Des photos qui donne envie de partager l’amour.... les sexe et la jouissance... Quel bonheur !
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