mercoledì 11 marzo 2020


fire everywhere with these gingers

le feu partout avec ces rouquins


14 commenti:

  1. Hot selection, cher Xersex so appropriate for the red collection!!! #8 has so seductively lowered his jeans to offer his erect member.... being seated across from 12 would likely result in missing a stop or two, at least!!

  2. Love the fuzzy butt on the third guy down!

    I hope you are doing okay other there.

  3. No ginger or gingers for me, as usual.

    So, keep 'em all! ;)

  4. J'adore les roux, ils sont super sexy (bon pas tous...)mais ceux que tu nous as mis me plaise beaucoup.

  5. Yes a tribute, they are worthy of.

  6. Il est naturel (pour ne pas dire nécessaire) de rendre hommage aux rouquins de temps en temps. On voit suffisamment de racisme par ailleurs pour ne pas en ajouter un à leur égard.

    It is natural (not to say necessary) to pay homage to redheads from time to time. We see enough racism elsewhere not to add one against them.



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