mercoledì 28 gennaio 2015

Les Beaux Frères: nude guys dancing with towels

whkattk (here his blog) asked me if the ASS-dur of the last post
were the same they did a nude scene, with only two towels.
Here they are

whkattk (ici son blog) m'a demandé si l'ASS-dur était les mêmes
de mon dernier post
qu'ils ont fait une scène nus, avec deux serviettes.
Ils sont des autres: les voilà!
 Raphaël Dubé et Yohann Trépanier




11 commenti:

  1. ces charmants jeunes hommes sont souvent à la télé française

    those charming young men are often on french tv

  2. They're quite talented - and very excellent comedians!

    Thanks for the shout-out to my blog!

  3. That's great video! They are just so clever! Hugs, Patrick

  4. That was fun! I am amazed that they did not show more. I would have probably slipped up and dropped it along the way. Excellent!

  5. Peccato che non si vede nulla, ma mi sono eccitato ugualmente

  6. Very FUN both videos
    Love them do you mind if I share with others?


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